Daily Diary – December 31 2010

And here we are! I close each year with a tulip and I wasn’t making an exception this year.

We had a lovely day today. The first two photos are from last night. I put on a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in years. I was so happy I fit into them that I snapped this shot.

And then this one.

This morning we were all really tired for some reason so we lay around for a long time. The kids played quietly and I read and so did Jake.

After I exercised and Nathaniel napped, we all decided to go to the movies. So we snapped a family shot (as per Mommy’s new rule).

Then went to see Tangled. David loved it and so did we and Nathaniel was very well behaved the whole time. A quick trip to Target for some fruit and we are now home. I felt bad about not snapping enough photos so I asked Nathaniel for one and this is what I got.

As you can see, all the images have a lot of noise. It’s been dark here. I just got to talk to my sister where it’s already 4am new year’s day and it was so wonderful to hear her voice. Nathaniel is already in bed and David is going soon. We then get to read, relax, watch movies and play video games. We like to play video games on New Year’s eve. Some of our best memories are filled with video games. So it will be a quiet one here.

I hope wherever you are, you’re happy, healthy, safe, and sound. And warm. And with the people you love.

Thank you for being here with me in 2010, I am truly blessed with each and every one of you and I hope 2011 brings you everything you’ve ever wanted and more.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we all went to the movies together. I was worried about Nathaniel but it was something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. When we got there the theater was really full and we got frustrated for a second. But then it worked out much better than any alternative (as it always does).
2. I am grateful that I got to talk to my sister. I love talking to her every day but especially on New Year’s eve. We’ve always called each other and I was worried I missed her because I was at the movies but I didn’t!
3. I am grateful for an amazing year. Birthdays are nice but not a big moment for me. The new year always is. And I feel so wonderful, content, thankful, optimistic, and loved at this very moment. I am deeply grateful.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we watched a movie {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful for mommy and daddy
3. I am grateful that I got Harry Potter silly bands and gummi bears and a cookie today! (yes it was one of those rare days)

Good-bye 2010!

5 comments to Daily Diary – December 31 2010

  • We saw Tangled this afternoon, too! Happy New Year…you look wonderful and healthy!

  • Happy New Year! Love the pic of you, and of the baby boy in the post below…how do they grow so fast! Blessings!!!!!

  • Hester

    Happy new year to you!

  • Yona

    canikom ,
    beklentilerinin ve dileklerinin gercek oldugu harika anilarla dolu , saglikli, neseli , bol yuruslu, cocuklarinla ve kocanla keyifli hatiralarla dolu muhtesem bir 2011 diliyorum.
    ps: jean harika duruyor ustunde , darisi basima 🙂

  • tania

    happy new year
    your sister’s comment made me excited and I remember that me and my sister, we were busy and we didn’t talk, I’ll make a quick call immediately (we are also living in different countries)
    you look great with the jeans and the make-up 🙂
    I am very grateful that I found out your blog
    I hope this year, I will take your examples such as reading, exercising, to do lists and being grateful list…


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