Daily Diary – January 5 2011

I cannot tell you the amazing feeling of waking up without pain! I woke up this morning and I was so energetic and happy. I immediately got to work. I made food for the kids, packed lunch, and read with David all before 6:45am. Then he left for school and I did another layout for CHA. Then it was time for work. Nathaniel napped, I worked, I exercised, I worked some more. And I am still working. But it’s ok because I had no pain!!

Nathaniel was in a good mood. He learned a new word today “wawa” which he says for water. Success!

Here he is sitting with Jake, watching choo choo.

And then he notices me and give me a smile.

Then to Daddy. I love that you can see Jake’s smiling here even though you cannot see his face.

Lest you think I ignore David, he was not in the mood for photos today. Though, he did do his math workbook and ate his veggies and was all around wonderful.

But not Nathaniel. He was feeling happy!

And here we are at the end of another day. The days seem to pass so so quickly. I haven’t even glanced at my todo list for days now and I have so many unanswered emails. Please forgive me if you’re waiting for an email. I will reply, I swear. Tonight we get to go out on a date night thanks to my friend Holly who offered to baby sit. This means I have to finish my portrait in the next hour. So off to work on that.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am deeply grateful to be in no pain. It’s so amazing.
2. I am grateful that I get to go out tonight. A movie always makes me happy even if it means my todo list suffers.
3. I am grateful for all your amazing comments on my blog today. It made me so grateful and emotional to see all the kindness and generosity of spirit. Thank you so so so much.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played the xylophone at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i will watch a movie with daddy
3. I am grateful that I did two more pages in my science book (where does wood come from, what happens when wood gets wet)

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