Daily Diary – January 10 2011

I am seriously running out of photos. I have to get out and take some.

Today started all groggy and I couldn’t snap out of it for some long while but thankfully, i did eventually and got a bunch of work done and read to david, and exercised and even did workbooks with him. I didn’t scrap or do anything else this morning. I was too tired. I did read all my lessons in all my classes (more on these tomorrow) and I printed photos for tomorrow’s pages so I am prepared. I also processed all my CHA item photos and I have to put finishing touches on one page. All this to say that I let myself off the hook this morning. But I’ve also realized once more that if I am not focused on something to do, i basically do nothing. I surf aimlessly, I get more tired and more cranky. So it does not help. It helps to have a focus. Even if it’s to read my mail for 30 minutes or check FB. Having time limit and focus is really way more productive.

The little boy took his nap early and short today and I snapped a photo as soon as he woke up. I love his face when he first wakes up.

He played with his toys and walked around most of the day.

With many hugs and giggles in between. I do wish fewer of his toys made noise. Sometimes it gets really noisy in the room.

When David got home, he played with legos. I asked him for a photo and I got this.

When I told him he was making a funny face, I got this.

My sweet boys! Well I am off to draw some portraits. I have a lot of other drawing assignments from Misty’s class. I am a bit stressed to be honest, but I will pace myself, organize all the work over the week and get a bunch done. This class is for me because I want to learn to draw better. That will only happen with practice and practice takes time and patience. Time and patience. Neither of which I have enough of, ever.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that tomorrow I get to go to the TMJ doctor again and hopefully he’ll fix my splint which broke.
2. I am grateful that I exercised despite really really not wanting to do it today. Today was my 101st consecutive workout.
3. I am grateful that I am taking all of these classes. Even if I don’t get to do all of my assignments, I am learning a lot of information and I can pace myself and use and reuse it throughout the year.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am going to make a snowman book this week {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to watch ghostbusters
3. I am grateful that I built a jail with matthew at school

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