Daily Diary – January 16 2011

It’s so nice to have a three-day weekend. I sort of wish they were all 3-days. In 2002, I used to work 3 days a week and I never ever got used to it in a way where it felt long. It was the perfect number of days to work. Just when I started feeling tired, it would be time for my long weekend. I volunteered and took classes on the two weekdays I didn’t work and it just was the perfect schedule for me. So if every week was a 3-day weekend I think I would still enjoy it to bits.

Today started on the same schedule as everyday. I try to take family shots every day that all four of us are around so we set it all up but it was really early so there’s a lot of noise in the photos. Here’s one of the outtakes.

And another.

After I scrapped and exercised, it was time to read. We took the book basket down and Nathaniel picked a choo choo one.

And David picked a level 3 to read to me. Which he read beautifully. Then I read to him.

After that, it was quiet time for all of us. I did manage to snap this wonderful photo of David before I sat to draw some and journal some.

The little boy played.

And I love this photo. Jake took this while I was sitting and drawing. But look at the face Nathaniel’s making to try to get David’s attention (he was watching harry potter.) I love that Nathaniel sits with David so much and looks up to him so much.

And I love that David’s nice about it almost all the time.

We briefly had some friends over and then I had to run out and buy some shoes. Which reminded me how much I hate shopping. Then it was time for family night. We played some more Zingo and then Jake and David got to play a tiny bit of Wii because Jake had promised him earlier and they hadn’t gotten around to doing so.

And now the kids are asleep and I am moving a bit slowly but I feel good. I’ve done most of my homework in most of my classes. I have a bunch of setup I have to do for my blog and creative therapy, etc. But that’s on schedule for tomorrow. Tonight is about my portrait, some journaling, and some more drawing, all while watching the Golden Globes.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for family night. I love family night, even when it’s short.
2. I am grateful that I finally bought some shoes. I’ve been meaning to buy flats for a really long time.
3. I am grateful that I took the time to draw today. It was calming and I am thankful for the time.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play will with daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful for family night
3. I am grateful that I get to play with my legos a bit in my room

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