Daily Diary – January 18 2011

And back to work and back to school means back to our regular schedule. Up at 6, reading, eating, packing, dressing, bus, layout, etc. etc. And the little boy is still being funny.

So many people ask me how I get so much done in a day and can work from home. A big part of it is this.

My kids are just amazing. They play by themselves for hours. Happily. Every now and then they interrupt and we play together, we laugh and then they go back to playing alone. I am lucky, I really know it. Here’s David, showing off his gratitude journal.

And then having a bit of silly time.

I missed it but this is seconds after Nathaniel went over to hug him.

And then went back to playing.

And playing some more. He still into the blanket carrying of course.

And here’s David, playing on the iPhone which he gets to do after writing his gratitude, eating his veggies, and reading with mommy.

Nathaniel learned the word yellow today and he also started taking my finger and making it point at the things he wants. He’s getting more and more communicative and he’s so very cute. When we get food, he’ll nod yes or no and then point at his tray to show us where to put the food. Love that boy.

I have two more layouts to do and I am ready for CHA. Phew. I will like having something else to do in the mornings. I will like printing new photos out and gathering some stories. I need a little break after this. I will enjoy taking time to journal more and work on my classes more.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Today, I feel a deep gratitude for my children. I am truly blessed as a mother. I have two incredibly nice, kind, loving and fun kids. They are so full of personality and character. I hope that it continues to be so. I feel so grateful.
2. I am grateful for another day of exercise. I must admit even after 109 days, it’s still really hard. I still have to drag myself to the garage. I still think I won’t ever get through it. I still feel tired at the end. But I do it. I am thankful and proud that I do.
3. I am grateful for a good, productive day. Some days feel out of control but today felt good. I have some todo items and I am woefully behind on email and replying to comments but still I don’t feel like I am drowning which is good for me.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a card from school (it’s a photo id) {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone
3. I am grateful that I went to school. He had a good day at school and worked on some fun projects, he tells me.

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