Daily Diary – January 19 2011

I have to make a plan to get out and take some photos. I’ve really been even more like a hermit than usual partly cause I am doing so much CHA work. But alas, it’s almost over and now it’s even getting warmer here. Lest you think it’s always laughter and roses here, today Nathaniel decided not to take his nap until much later. Then I had to wake him up because otherwise he wouldn’t sleep at night. So he woke up super cranky. And looked like this.

And this.

And this. It went on for quite a while. We went and got David and he was still crying.

The first thing he did was get David’s water out of his lunchbag which he does every night.

I snapped some shots of David.

And he acted all silly as he likes to.

Nathaniel watched suspiciously.

Then finally he started playing again.

But all that crying had gotten to me already. I feel tired and exhausted. Extra tired tonight since all the whining, wailing, and crying tends to wear you down a bit. I’m sure the little boy had a headache and I feel bad for him. I gave him lots of hugs and tried to play with him but he just needed to be alone and get over being tired.

By bedtime, he was throwing himself on the couch and giggling alongside David, of course.

Now they’re both sleeping and I am ready for bed myself. I have some organizing to do, some homework and a portrait to draw. Then it’s bedtime for mommy, too.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a good day at work. I got some important things moving and I felt good about progress.
2. I am grateful for a kind offer from a good friend. I am always filled with gratitude at the generosity of others.
3. I am grateful that a lot of people have signed up for my classes at BPC already. I really, truly love teaching there so I am very excited to have both my classes coming up. If you’re enrolled in either of my classes, thank you for taking a class with me. I know both your money and time are important and I truly appreciate it deeply.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did a project that compared sawdust and wood shavings at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with mommy (we did workbooks)
3. I am grateful that I picked the people to invite to my birthday. I struggled a lot with this since we can’t invite the whole class (there’s a limit where the party will be) and so we had to pick some and not pick others. I told David to not talk about his party at all at school so as to not make anyone feel bad.

8 comments to Daily Diary – January 19 2011

  • I can totally understand how tired you must be, especially when the kids get cranky. I feel the same way when Ethan is acting up but lucky for me, he only does it once in a blue moon and it’s no more than 10mins.
    Nathaniel is looking so adorable even though he’s crying! lol!
    Take it easy Karen, get more rest while you can.

  • It is amazing how quickly kids can drain all your energy! And that they can look so cute when they are so miserable! I love the bed head! =) Really looking forward to your class on perfectionism. And thinking I need to make Free my “secret” 2011 word! Peace to you and yours!!!

  • yona

    bu aksilik aninda durup resim cekebilmene hayranim…

  • I love your blog and if mine was working right now I’d add you to my blogroll. 🙂 I love the post you did on shuttersisters regarding the daily practice and the one about putting yourself in your photos.I too have been critical and feel more comfortable behind the lens. But it also makes me sad. LIke I’m not part of the festivities. Not one christmas photo of me in there. Like I wasn’t even there. But I know what they say to be true- you need to be your own best friend. I will start putting myself out there. Do you just set up the timer and shoot??

    • karenika

      you know what? I bought this remote (it was $12) and it was worth every single penny! You set up the remote timer but it releases the shutter when you press the remote. So there’s no rushing, running, awkward poses and I can take 50 of them in a row without getting up. We setup the tripod and use the remote and kaboom, tons more photos with me in them 🙂 🙂 I still cringe a bit to see myself but I am so glad to be in more photos with my kids. Like you said, proof that I was there 🙂 I cannot recommend it enough. buy the remote!!

  • Kim

    Wow, David is looking so grown up – when did that happen?! Crying will wear you down and wear you out. Especially when there is nothing to do but hug the crier and rock him and endure it. Even when it stops, it can be ringing in your head.

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