Us Right Now – January 22

Second week back to work and Jake’s still doing great. Relaxed and optimistic. I love seeing Jake at his best. He’s such a joy to have around. So wise, calm, kind. He’s making quite a collection of friends in the area as well. Another thing he’s great at. I’m so thankful for him.

I am finally done with the CHA work. That’s basically occupied most of my moments since the year started. I finished all my layouts, I photographed everything and I am now ready. One week before I get to fly out and see all my work in person. I am sad about leaving the kids but excited to go. Now I can play catch up on everything else I’ve been dropping on the floor.

David’s been moodier than usual this week. He can be ver pessimistic and difficult sometimes but then just when I worry, his wonderful, happy self comes out and wins me all over again. I’ve decided I need to work on the way I talk to him. Sometimes I get impatient and say meaner things than I ever intend to, just to get his attention. I don’t want to threaten him or punish him unless he’s truly being unkind. So I need to find other ways to communicate and I need to learn to be more patient with him. He’s just six after all.

Nathaniel’s had a good week for the most part. He’s talking more and more and he’s definitely a lot more sure about what he wants and finds creative ways to communicate it. He was grabbing my fingers to point at things all week. He went to his first dentist appointment this week. He was too sad and wiggly to get any cleaning but he got a clean bill of health so far. He’s still into the Thomas but he’s getting more patient about letting me watch my own thing sometimes. He is so cute and loves his brother so much and imitates him all the time. He’s also still carrying the blanket around everywhere. He’s lucky he’s so cute because we let him do anything.

and here’s the card version:

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

2 comments to Us Right Now – January 22

  • I happy to hear you have finished all your projects. Can’t wait to see them. If you want to change the way you talk to your children I highly recommend reading Marshall B. Rosenberg’s book Non-violent communication: A language of life. It has really helped me understand myself and my children more, and helped me listen to their needs and understand why they act unkindly or violently. Have a lovely weekend and a great week.

    • karenika

      thank you for this. I will find the book and read it. It can’t possibly hurt and I look forward to learning more. I think communication is an area where i can always learn more and improve.

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