A Book a Week – Raising Jake

I heard about Raising Jake from one of the women in my book club. She mentioned she liked it and I wrote it down to check it out.

I am so glad I did. While it wasn’t high literature, I actually really enjoyed it. I liked the parts with the son better than the Dad which made it a bummer for me that the dad was the narrator but, of course, I understand why he was. As the mom of a boy, I found the son exceptionally mature and good. I sure hope my sons grow up to be like that. (Except getting kicked out of school of course.)

It’s a relatively quick read but with some good bits. I’d recommend this book.

3 comments to A Book a Week – Raising Jake

  • jesa

    Karen with such a busy schedule when do you find time to read? Does it vary or do you make it a point to schedule it at a certain hr and is it daily? Just curious.

    • karenika

      jesa, i now primarily read when i am exercising which is a good 35 mins a day. sometimes i read before sleep (in bed) too depends on the book and the day 🙂 that’s sort of why most of this year’s books are on the lighter side since it’s harder to focus as i exercise 🙂

  • Kim

    You could call it a miracle but it really came about from hard work and a lot of self discipline. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You must feel mahhhhvelous!

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