Daily Diary – January 25 2011

I honestly cannot even remember this morning. I took David to the bus, came home and then rushed back out to the TMJ doctor. Then I came back and did work, put Nathaniel down, exercised, did work. Nothing interesting.

I got my third lesson for Soul Restoration and I have to say each week I’ve been trying to play with paint, do textures etc but I always end up scrapping those. I dislike what I did. I feel inadequate like it’s a mishmash of crap. I cannot seem to turn off the conversations in my head. Which is why I go back to fabric or paper. Seems safer, less messy, harder to screw up. I look at her painting (and others’) with awe and wish I could do it too. And yet, I seem to be missing that gene.

The little boy spent some time looking through my soul restoration journal today.

I think he liked what he saw.

Then he played with his beloved stickers.

And let me take a nice photo.

So did David, one nice one…

Before all the crazy, silly, fun ones.

Tonight’s a lot of journaling. I find the journaling is really, really helping me so I am going to do more and more of it until it becomes more second nature, more something I’m making the time for. And then if I have time leftover, I will do my soul restoration art work.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am taking the time to journal and do my homework. I am learning a lot about myself and really appreciating these classes so much.
2. I am grateful that I am finally seeing a doctor about my TMJ and getting some help and things are improving. Really grateful for that.
3. I am grateful for the quiet week I’m having. This week is low on commitment and engagements. It’s giving me time to rest and recuperate.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got stamp with a dog on it at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone.
3. I am grateful that wilfin gave me a pencil

7 comments to Daily Diary – January 25 2011

  • Hester

    It looks like you write so easy, it amazes me. i am working on a layout and am thinking about a title for a day or so. I still want to do more journaling, but its very difficult to write anything else than the facts. How did you comoe so far, did you practice a lot or was it always easy for you to write?

    • karenika

      hmmmm… i didn’t journal at all in the beginning. i started doing it because a competition i entered required it and once i started i couldn’t stop. i loved doing it. and like everything it takes a ton of practice and i prioritize it heavily on my layouts. i don’t even begin a layout until I have my story 🙂 you can totally do it. just have to practice.

  • rene

    Do you realize many people look at your art journal or layouts and think and feel the very same way about your work as you are articulating how you feel about others work? Me, for sure, being one of those people. You contiue to inspire us with your art and words all the time. You are your worst critic 🙂 Give yourself permission to love every part of you!

    • karenika

      you are very very kind, thank you. this is an area where i am still very hard on myself. I am hoping all the work i will put into it this year will help me improve enough to make me feel better. i appreciate your words deeply.

  • I feel your pain. I, too, suffer with TMJ. It mostly bothers me in the winter. I think I must clench my jaw in the cold. I have a night guard which helps out a lot. The thing that works the best is a moist, hot towel on the side of my face. Good luck!

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