Daily Diary – January 29 2011

I am so sorry I didn’t get to write last night. By the time I came home from dinner it was 10pm and I was dead tired from being on my feet all day and just needed to go right to sleep. I would say it’s surprising that I took no photos during this weekend, but I have never been able to take photos during CHA so I am not surprised at all. The only photos I took were of the punches. I ran to the EK Success booth and took photos of every punch. Let me know if you want to see them and I will post. I have yet to look at them myself.

Before I tell you all about my day, I’ll start with the photos Jake took for me of the boys. I was so lucky in that he took photos with my nice camera and with his phone because he was able to upload the phone ones right away and I got to see this little boy staring at me with this face in the middle of the show.

And this handsome boy, too.

I missed my boys quite a bit so it was really really nice to have the photos.

I even walked around the Maya Road booth just to see their photos on my layouts cause I missed them so much.

I love them so much and am so grateful Jake took some photos for me.

Saturday was my only full day at CHA. I didn’t get to the hotel until 9pm or so and delivering my layouts, eating some food, chatting, etc, meant I wasn’t sleeping before midnight. Since I was going to get up at 6am for exercise, I was all worried. Obviously a little too worried because I slept fitfully all night. And woke up before the scheduled wake up call. I’d put all my stuff aside so as to not wake up my roommate, Katie, and went down to the gym, which was almost totally full. As I walked in, I realized I forgot my room key. Which meant I’d have to wake Katie up when I got back so instead I went down the to front desk and explained to them that though the room was not in my name, it really was my room. Thankfully, they sent security up with me and had me show proof of an object in the room with my name. Which meant I didn’t have to wake up Katie!!

Shower, getting dressed, etc, and we were off to the convention center. I’d never worked a booth before so I begged for some training and MR has a lot of products so I got some quickie training and that was it. Right before the show began, there were bagpipes and then we were on. Which meant that for the next eight hours with possibly an hour break, I talked and walked around to show clients product. I was on my feet for most of it which is amazing for me since I am generally very sedentary.

I got the luxury of having lunch with Dina Wakley and KL Yeary and Allison from Hambly (who was 7.5 months pregnant!) Then I went back to work. I got to talk to Stacy and Kayce of Big Picture and I did run to Little Yellow Bicycle, Pink Paislee, and The Girls’ Paperie briefly to see my layouts but that was it. The show ended at 6pm and I rushed back to the hotel with Katie so I could quickly change and be ready for Tracy to pick me up for the Big Picture dinner. Which was wonderful. But I felt pain literally on every single muscle in my body. And when I came back to the hotel at 10pm, I crashed. I was very worried I might not be able to do the 6am workout the next morning. But I told myself I was going to, anyway.

That was it for day 1. Just to give you a sense, ordinarily, I take about 8000 steps a day and on saturday I took 17,000 steps. So it was quite an active day for me.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to spend a lot of time chatting with Kayce and I got to meet Tracey.
2. I am grateful that I got to experience working on the booth, it was hard work but also a lot of fun.
3. I am grateful that I got to meet Rebecca and Margie even if for a small second. It’s nice to put faces to the people for whom I work. I also got to meet Emily and Lori. It’s nice to meet people whom you email frequently.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing Wii ALL DAY
2. Play games on the iPhone
3. Grocery shopping with Daddy

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