Daily Diary – January 31 2011

I woke up this morning and it didn’t take me long that I had somehow gotten up from the wrong side of the bed. I felt off. I think fragile is sort of the best word for it because I was weepy for a while and then tired and worn out and ended up the day grouchy. All day long, I literally did nothing. I finished my book, read to david, and exercised. I had the day off work so I could have accomplished a million things but I just didn’t feel up to doing anything at all.

At some point in the day, I just gave myself permission to waste this day away. My body and mind and soul needed the rest I guess. I am thinking it’s likely from having been away from home. When you meet me in person you can see that I talk nonstop. I mean a LOT and really fast. I am talk talk talk talk. I tend to come off really extroverted. But the fact is I am not. I much prefer quiet, introspective time. So when I am in a social situation nonstop like I was this weekend, I really need to wind down and go back to my comfort place which is always home. What I didn’t do today, which I should have, is journaling. I think writing would have helped but I didn’t even feel up for that. Maybe a few hours from now, I’d be up for it. I also hope I feel up to drawing my portrait which I also haven’t done yet. Let’s see.

The little one was very accommodating for most of the day and played quietly.

Here’s David, thinking of what to write in his gratitude journal.

And then writing it.

And then here’s Nathaniel trying to figure out which toy to play with while Choo-choo is in the background.

And then he asks for some grapes while he’s playing and he immediately spills juices of it all over everywhere so I tell him he can’t have anymore. And this is what I get:

Ah the joys of being a mom. And the plans for tonight are plenty but realistically I am guessing maybe one more thing will get done and that’s it before I head to bed. I will try to do my monthly review since January is now finished. By the way, newsletter goes out very early tomorrow so if you want the exclusive digital downloads, make sure to subscribe on the right top corner of the blog.

Happy Monday!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had the day off, I really really needed it.
2. I am grateful that I didn’t have anything that was super time-sensitive so I was able to do nothing without too much worry about letting someone down.
3. I am grateful that new lessons in my classes go up tomorrow. Can’t wait.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to show the class my 100th day collection {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I finished my snowman album at school.
3. I am grateful that mommy and nathaniel came to school today (I volunteered in his class this morning)

6 comments to Daily Diary – January 31 2011

  • Pat P

    Hi Karen,
    It’s good you took the time to wind down, you are probably right, just the total change in routine from home to the show and back again could cause a sort of mental jet lag I think!

    Just reading your blog and your posts today is enough to make me tired! You are one ambitious person! Let me pose a question to you regarding the “Community” to dos that you felt you failed at– Why are these items on your list? Are they things you truly want to do, or things that you think you should do? Not doing them, feeling like you failed and being embarassed for not doing them all reads like you are trying to force yourself to do something you don’t want to do. It’s ok if you don’t want to. You seem to be very happy and content in your own space. And you aren’t depriving your guys from being more social, David goes to school, Jake goes to work, and it won’t be long 🙁 before Nathaniel is off to school too. So if you are happy being a more solitary person, it’s totally ok. Anyways, think about it. Do what makes you happy. Doing what you should when you don’t want to doesn’t necessarily fit with “free”

    Have a great rest of the day. I’m in western NY, pretty sure I’ll be home for a snow day tomorrow! (Looking forward to it actually!)

    • karenika

      bless you. when i read this, i almost cried. i could feel tears welling up. you are so right. i need to sit and have a serious think about how i feel about these….thank you thank you thank you.

  • sophie

    Gosh, how I can relate to everything you said! I am like you, apparently extrovert but desperately needing “hermit time” at home to recover from this bout of extroversion. You’ve worked amazingly hard in January with all the CHA preparation, your jaw pain, your job, looking after your kids and another million things that you do every day. Add on top of that an exhausting week end surrounded by people and noise. Sounds to me like a recipe for exhaustion! I’m glad you gave yourself time to recover. You deserve it!

  • Shawnnita

    I’m sorry your feeling like this. I hope I haven’t made you feel like this.

    I hope you are feeling much better!

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