Daily Diary – February 2 2011

I woke up in a better mood today thankfully. Things are still a bit fragile but I feel like doing some art last night really helped a lot. I got up and did pages of journaling, I exercised, Nathaniel didn’t nap and then napped and then was cranky. I worked, I read to David. So I did most of what I do in a day. I feel a little frazzled and disorganized still but I am feeling less depressed and less fragile which is wonderful.

Little boy having fun while watching choo-choo.

A good smile from my big boy.

And one from my little boy.

That’s all I got today. I still have to feed dinner, do some more work, post two more posts, draw my portrait and get ready to go out to date night so I will say good night and let you know that I will respond to comments ASAP and I am not ignoring you and I am deeply grateful for all your kind comments and thank you for visiting me day after day. thank you thank you thank you.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made it through my 2.7 miles today. It was really hard and I didn’t think I was going to make it but I did.
2. I am grateful for another date night.
3. I am grateful that I journaled and made some art. Each time I journal more and more issues come up and get resolved, it’s truly like magic lately.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s groundhog day {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played star wars with julian at school.
3. I am grateful that i started my dalmatian (named spot!)

4 comments to Daily Diary – February 2 2011

  • Glad that today was better! Oh the ebbs and flows of life! I would love to hear more about the journaling, I was just thinking today that I need to start journaling more. It’s for a class, yes? Is it prompted or are you just writing whatever? How long do you usually find you journal for?
    I was reading a book and the author said that she came across her old journals and was amazed at how much of the dailiness of life she had captured on those pages and how happy it made her to have a record of that time with her boys who were presently out of the house and in college. Makes me want that too!

    • karenika

      yes both Shifting Ground by Stephanie Lee and Soul Restoration by Melody Ross have a lot of journaling. Often specific prompts. So I have a starting point. I was thinking it might be hard when i finish the class. So I will fill my journal with 10-20 prompts. one per page so i have a starting point each morning. I try to do it early in the morning. more for the sense of accomplishment than anything else 🙂 i love that story. that’s why i journal and blog 🙂 🙂

  • Jus

    How on earth did you manage to catch that lovely shot of the frog? Its gorgeous! Glad you made it through the running, hang in there!

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