Daily Diary – February 7 2011

So the good news is I did take today off. I woke up and decided it needed to be a personal day. And I spent most of the day doing not much. A little art journaling, some tiny journaling, some email replies, etc. The bad news is that it didn’t really have the desired effect. I don’t feel much better. (Though I do feel a little better.) But I did decide that it’s time to just snap out of it. If it won’t get better by itself, I will have to force my way through this annoying place.

I also completely forgot to take photos until the light was almost gone. So when I tried to snap a few before I gave Nathaniel his dinner, this is what I got.

David, of course, was a lot more accommodating. His very last picture as a 5 year old.

I tried a bunch more times with Nathaniel after giving him some blueberries. He’s looking to the side because Thomas was playing behind me and he’s looking around me to see it. Nice eh?

He wouldn’t stop eating long enough for me to take a photo.

One would think he never gets to eat. But alas, even when he looked right at me, it was while shoving some food in his mouth.

so I just gave up and let him eat in peace.

I’ve already done all of my night time stuff (drawing a portrait and writing some in my art journal) so tonight I think I might journal some more, pick a few books to read, watch some TV and go to bed really early. Tomorrow’s a big day for David.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took the day off and didn’t chastise myself for not getting too much done.
2. I am grateful that we finished all of David’s class Valentine’s in one sitting. It was super quick and they turned out very cute.
3. I am grateful that I get to go to bed early tonight. A little extra sleep will do me good.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that tomorrow’s my birthday {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to play wii tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that i played a game on the computer tonight.

1 comment to Daily Diary – February 7 2011

  • Lesa

    One day you’ll look back at the picture of Nathanial looking directly at the camera and you will enjoy seeing his little hand by his mouth. To me, it’s more captivating than just a headshot.

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