Daily Diary – February 9 2011

You know how there are some days that just get away from you and at the end of the day you wonder where it all went? That’s how today is for me. It started really productive and then just disappeared into air. I can’t remember where all the hours went and now I am left with that empty feeling you get when days like this happen. It’s okay. This, too, shall pass.

Here’s a photo of the big boy putting together his birthday present.

and wearing his crown that he made at school on Monday.

And the little one, not looking at me.

But yet looking out the window. Anywhere but the camera.

I learned another lesson in being careful today. My first instinct is to always say yes and to help out anyone in any way I can. So today I found myself in a situation where I said yes to something and then immediately regretted it. I know from past experience that this immediate regret is a sign I should have never agreed. Normally, I’d suck it up because I like to have high integrity and stay true to my word but this particular instance, I backed out. It hasn’t resolved itself yet so I am not sure how it will work out but I can tell you that the minute I sent the email I felt 100% better. Another sign that it was the right thing to do. I hope that the other party does not resent me forever and it resolves itself smoothly but it’s yet another lesson for me that I need to curb the instinct. I need to let things simmer and not respond right away to anything so that I can make sure it feels right and so I never have to go back on my word ever. It’s terrible to disappoint others. Especially for me. And I hope that it will resolve ok. (As I type this, it resolved itself and it was a wonderfully kind and positive outcome. I feel even better for having done what feels right in my gut even if it meant backing out.)

Tonight’s plan is to do a portrait, art journal a bit and then journal a bunch. And rest. I think my soul and heart are a bit broken from today’s experience so I need to let myself rest and heal.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had the courage to back out of a situation that didn’t sit well with me.
2. I am grateful that I made another layout this morning. It’s definitely taking a while to get back into the rhythm but I love telling our stories.
3. I am grateful that I am learning to be gentle with myself, especially on days like this.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I’m six {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we wrote on different kinds of paper at school today (they’re learning about paper and where it comes from, etc.).
3. I am grateful that i put my lego present together.

5 comments to Daily Diary – February 9 2011

  • Nikki

    welcome to my world – al,ost every day passes in a blur.

    Thats why to do lists are so great – you can go ‘wow I did do stuff’!!!!!

    PS have you tried making paper with David it is so very easy to do – and you can recycle old envelopes and stuff to make it – great. I’ll be happy to explain how if you like

  • good for you! I know the feeling of quickly saying yes, followed by the realization that I made a mistake. It took me a long time to realize that it was best for the other person (as well as myself) for me to be honest about any reservations I had, and it took all my courage the first time I called someone and “backed out” of a situation. But it was worth it. I have gotten better at knowing when it’s right for me to say “yes” and so will you. Bravo. I love seeing your growth. xoxo

  • jill

    sometimes we need to practice some appropriate phrases to use when needed –
    “let me check my schedual and get back to you on that”….
    “oh – i’m sorry but i’m fully committed at the moment”….
    now repeat 10 times!

  • My little guy does the same thing as yours whenever I try to take a picture of him. So glad he’s not the only one!

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