Daily Diary – February 13 2011

Taking photos every day is inconsistent. Some days life is too busy for any photos, other days we get too many. Today’s one of those too many photos kind of days. We started with the family shoot. Which always starts smoothly.

Then Nathaniel starts wiggling like you’re choking him.

Then the tickling begins.

Daddy sneaking in a kiss while the boys are doubling over from laughter.

More shrieking and more laughter.

And Nathaniel is about to fly out of my lap.

David actually did fly of Daddy’s lap and smacked right on the floor. Then there was the grabbing of the clicker because both David and Nathaniel covet it. So there you go, it’s amazing we get any decent shots amidst the chaos.

After the shoot, I exercised, read to David and we put Nathaniel down after he and Jake went to get David’s cake. While he napped, David played with his legos.

I should correct that to say while he did not nap because Nathaniel didn’t actually take his nap today. He lay there, wide awake. So I finally gave up and he played quietly in the living room until it was time to go.

David played quietly too. So I rested and read a bit.

Then it was time to go to the gym for David’s birthday party. He had been there last year, too so he knew exactly what to expect.

And made sure to make the most of every moment.

Nathaniel ate some snacks and watched quietly.

Amazingly this was the only cake photo I was able to snap before David blew out all the candles and got down to eating. This year, I didn’t get any good “David and cake” photos at all. Oh well, some years are like that.

After the party, we came home and both of the kids were excited to open David’s presents.

Dinner, bath time, some playing and it was the end of our long and eventful day. Another day to add to the list of gratitude and blissful moments to hold on to forever. I love you so much, my son, happy happy birthday.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we were able to have a small but wonderful party for our boy and that he truly enjoyed it very much.
2. I am grateful that I got a lot more rest than I’d anticipated today so it all went more smoothly than I thought it might.
3. I am grateful that I get to do some art and have some quiet time tonight. I love having it every day but especially on days like this when there’s been a bunch of noise (no matter how wonderful) in my day.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had my birthday party {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful for my new legos
3. I am grateful for mommy and daddy

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