Daily Diary – February 20 2011

I went to bed last night deciding to get a better attitude. Most of this month has been me whining and I am done with that. Things are actually really good. I am doing art, I am exercising, I am reading to my kid, I am stretching at work, I am journaling and even sketching. I am reading. I am taking photos. I am kissing my kids. I am even going out occasionally. I need to just relax. I’ve been doing a lot of the work in Melody’s final lesson and it’s all about choices. So anyway. I woke up this morning, exercised and then got to work. I did a lot of the todo list items while the kids played. Well, Nathaniel just put stickers all over his legs. (His recent obsession.)

And David was on the computer.

Here’s Nathaniel smirking but not looking at me.

Then it was time for the family shot. The thing is, with four people almost always one boy is looking elsewhere.

And when he looks back, the other one gets obsessed with the remote.

We try a bunch more times and then it’s time to get crazy. Everyone laughs and enjoyes tickle time.

Then Jake left to work and David and I did workbooks and he read a book to me and we got organized. So now he knows which workbook to do on what day (he does 3-5 pages a day) and he also picked 6 books to read for the week (one a day). I’ve been meaning to do this for a while and I am glad we finally got organized.

Then tried to get a shot of David. He was smiling so much that his eyes got small.

So I told them to make them bigger. And this is what I got.

Followed by this.

I tried to get Nathaniel to nap several times today but alas it wasn’t to be. So we all played for a while, I journaled, etc. Then Daddy came back home and it was family game night. David just got Monopoly Jr. for his birthday so that was the game tonight.

We had a great time playing and then the kids went to bed and I did a bunch of art. Finished my Soul Restoration homework (all I have left to do is my truth cards which I have only done one of the whole time. This will have to be a project for March or April.) and I finished the art/journaling book page for this week (more on this soon) and made two more pages in my book. We also worked on all the tax work we’d still left to do. It’s now 9pm which means I only have 1-2 hours left in my night. We plan to spend some cuddle time and then maybe I will draw one portrait and likely that’s going to be it for tonight. Tomorrow’s big task is to return emails. I have been neglectful of emails and comments.

A really good Sunday all in all, though, and I wish every week was a 3-day-weekend!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for so much productivity today.
2. I am grateful for family game night. I love game night.
3. I am grateful that I get to have one more day tomorrow before the stress and craziness of work begins once more.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with my little brother {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that Daddy won Monopoly Jr.
3. I am grateful that we had game night!

2 comments to Daily Diary – February 20 2011

  • dawn

    It sounds like the perfect relaxing weekend to me. Love the family photos, the last one is my favorite. It amazes me how much creativity you get done in one day. Hope it’s a good Monday for you. No school for us either so going to dentist for cleanings on all 3 kids, plus mother nature came back and dumped some more snow on us so maybe some playing in the snow too.

    • karenika

      oh man! appointments always throw my day off, but then again snow and playing in the snow would be quite fun since we never get it here in northern CA

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