Daily Diary – February 23 2011

Another productive day at work. This feels great.

I woke up, exercised and then took some shots of David.

And he couldn’t resist of course.

Then, I again put my headphones on so that I wouldn’t be distracted while the kids played together.

And then the little boy played while David worked on his legos.

Then it was naptime. David played while I worked more with the headphones. After nap time, I read to David while the little one sat with us.

Then the mail came and David finally got his birthday present from my parents. He was ecstatic.

While he got to work right away, Nathaniel moved the chairs around and made himself a play area, too.

I worked and worked and worked. Now I am processing shots while Daddy gives them dinner and David works on his lego. I have to sketch a bit, work on my portrait (which I neglected yesterday) and then do my art journal. I am off to book club tonight so all of these have to get done soon. Feeling good, though, and happy about two productive days in a row. Let’s hope the streak continues.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another productive day at work. I feel like I’m finally getting my groove back.
2. I am grateful for my husband who manages to get home right about when I’m ready to lose it. He’s magic.
3. I am grateful that my kids are so great at playing on their own and being so kind to me. They give me the room to get my work done and they are so wonderful.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my new legos {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with my brother (i see a trend here.)
3. I am grateful that I get to play Wii in two days.

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