Daily Diary – March 4 2011

I need to be reprimanded today because I agreed to not one but two things I should not have to this week. TWO! What’s wrong with me? Do I learn nothing? It made the last two days considerably less pleasant than they needed to be. There was really no reason for the stress I incurred and the lack of attention all the other things in my life got because of it. Lesson learned.


Apparently I need to learn this one again and again.

I have, however, still been exercising. And Nathaniel loves my FitBit. He loves seeing the flower. He presses until he gets it and then signs “flower” when he sees it.

David was in a good mood when he came home and he is such a delight to see .

I tried to grab another photo of Nathaniel but he wasn’t really feeling up to it.

As bedtime approached, I got to go out with my friend Nicholas to see Beastly. Then I came home, finished my daunting task and now I need to crawl into bed. I didn’t get to sketch today and i will not get to my art journal even so it will have to wait until tomorrow. The good news is my big task is finished and I can truly relax this whole weekend. All of it.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished what I promised to do.
2. I am grateful that I got to go to the movies. Love the movies.
3. I am grateful for my empty schedule this weekend.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play wii tomorrow {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I stayed up extra late tonight
3. I am grateful for daddy

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