Daily Diary – March 7 2011

I woke up from the wrong side of the bed today (as they say) and could not shake it off. I just did not want to do anything at all. Despite all that, I did manage to exercise, journal, read to David and do a lot of work.

Nathaniel played quietly while I frantically tried to open bugs and find owners for issues.

Next thing I knew it was time to pick up David. Thankfully, soon after he came home, so did Jake. He and David built legos for a while as I worked. Then I realized I hadn’t taken a photo today yet. But David wouldn’t play along.

And then he couldn’t help himself.

and now the kids are down and I am still grouchy. I am stressed in anticipation of upcoming stress. How totally dumb is that?! Alas, I know everything is going to work out because it always does one way or another. And if it doesn’t that’s ok too. The world will not end. I just wish I could tell my heart all this. But it doesn’t listen when it’s so busy freaking out.

Instead I just decided to give myself the next few days off. I will do anything I want. Besides the exercise, all other things are optional. I don’t need to sketch or update my journal or anything I don’t want to do. If I do, great but it’s truly optional. If I just want to lie and watch TV or movies or surf for my spare time, it’s allowed until Thursday. After which I need to go back to being a good girl again.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake is going to be around almost the whole time for the next three days to ensure my process is smooth and I have guiltless time to dedicate to work.
2. I am grateful for a very special guest coming on Wednesday.
3. I am grateful for not having anything on my todo list this week other than work so I can take downtime I know I need.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played Indiana Jones at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy and I finished our book
3. I am grateful that I build my lego ship with daddy

2 comments to Daily Diary – March 7 2011

  • Renee J.

    Karen, thank you so much for sharing! It is always such a treat to read what you and your family are grateful for! The pics. are awesome, too!

  • amy

    I can SO relate to your being stressed about upcoming stress!!! I wish I too could just have a nice chat with my heart and get my brain wrapped around it so the two are on the same page….but just like you…..mine don’t work that way!! I will be crossing my fingers for you and including you in my prayers! Good for you go give yourself a break!

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