Daily Diary – March 8 2011

I expected today to be stressful and it didn’t disappoint. I’ll start with the photos I took last night, this is the ship David and Jake built together. David loves it.

Since I knew I was going to be at work, I tried to take photos early in the morning before David went to school but he was feeling moody.

And then he laughed of course.

Then we dropped him off, I exercised, checked in my class and my work and then Jake was home and I went off to work. I spent pretty much all day working working working. Stressing. Talking. Working.

When I came home, the kids were almost ready to go down. I was surprised to find a package for Nathaniel from my friend Amy and when I opened it, it was Thomas board books. I cannot tell you how incredibly excited Nathaniel was. He grabbed them all and flipped through them immediately.

He was so excited. He lined them all up.

He kept looking at them, looking in them, holding them. Amy, I cannot describe it in words! Thank you so much and so deeply, you have totally made my day. And his day. This was so unexpected, so kind, so generous, so amazing. Thank you!

then it was time to put the kids down, and I still had work to do. At last, I did manage to push the build out (most of it at least) and now I am completely wiped. I will relax and then head right to bed. So I can start working again bright and early in the morning. But tomorrow I also get to meet and escort Brené which I am so so so excited about and a few more days and things will quiet down considerably. Then I just go back to working and working and chugging along as usual. Or so I hope.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake has been doing such a great job and being so incredibly supportive. I haven’t worried about the kids one bit today. I was able to fully focus on work.
2. I am grateful I get to meet Brené tomorrow. A major highlight for me.
3. I am grateful for this amazing, unexpected present from Amy. I cannot tell you how very much it touched me Amy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we ninjas with julian {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy was home today
3. I am grateful that I had PE, I love P.E.!
4. I am grateful that mommy brought some orange juice for me

2 comments to Daily Diary – March 8 2011

  • Donna C

    Wow – you get to meet Brene! Can’t wait to hear all about it – she is so inspiring!

  • Diane Clements

    I love the story about Nathaniel and his lining up of his train books. That is so sweet. My grandson lines his favorite movie jackets up and studies them. So precious!!

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