Daily Diary – March 9 2011

I knew there was a chance I wouldn’t get back home until late today so I took some photos in the morning. Here’s Nathaniel playing with stickers.

I love love love him so.

And here’s the big boy, trying to make more interesting faces.

I asked him to tell me a story so he’s thinking.

Couldn’t come up with one on the fly like that (mostly cause he really wanted me to stop so he could play.)

Then I went to pick Brene up and went to work. As I imagined and knew, Brene is awesome. Truly real, fun, kind, generous and wonderful person. We walked around campus for a while and then she gave her talk which was so so amazing and it made me think, choke up, laugh, and nod so very much. Even though I’ve heard her speak before, it’s a profound experience for me each time. Each time she speaks, you can tell how passionate she is about this subject matter and it permeates your soul. She’s awesome. And I am so so thankful I got to experience this day with her. I will not forget it. (Even the two engineers who were videotaping the event were so impressed that they bought her book right after the talk. Not that I am the least bit surprised.)

And because I was so caught up in all of it, I didn’t even ask her to sign my book or take one single photo! But it’s ok. I have the memories. And those are with me at all times. I don’t think she reads here, but just in case, thank you thank you thank you Brené. You have truly made my day in every way!

After Brene got in her car, I headed to work. And the next minute I looked at my watch it was already four hours later. I made it home almost an hour after bedtime and still have a ton of work to do (as well as a huge headache).

So now I will relax for a short while, then work for a while and then crawl into bed so I can do it all over again tomorrow. But I am not complaining. Today was a good day. I was moved, inspired, and got to meet someone I’ve wanted to for a long long time. I am grateful.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful again that Jake was home, loving and caring for the kids so I could be worry-less at work. I adore him and feel grateful for him so much.
2. I am grateful that Brené came and I got to meet her. And she listened to me talk talk talk all day. And she was so real, so down to earth, so truly wonderful.
3. I am grateful for my job. It’s been a tough few days but I love my job. I love Google and I love our product and I love being a part of it however big or small.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had music class {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we played ninjas with julian
3. I am grateful that I got to stay up a little later than usual

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