Daily Diary – March 20 2011

I appreciate all the kindness you’ve sent my way so so much. It seems ungrateful and mean to not feel great in light of the terrible things happening in the world. I am actively working on my mood and yelling at myself to snap out of it, regularly. I am still in quite a bit of pain on my back and my nerves but honestly, my life is amazing and I have nothing at all to feel bad about. So I need to snap snap snap out of it!

I spent most of today relaxing as well. I didn’t yell at myself or feel bad for most of it. I did do a huge backup and was able to get back 200 gigabytes on my computer. That’s how much excess stuff was sitting there. For five minutes, David dared touch his Didj and Nathaniel immediately shouted “me me me” and melted down until David gave it to him. So here they are, both playing.

I love how hard he focuses on it.

I guess he’s leaning from his brother.

Jake went to the city to meet up with his relatives for breakfast and I exercised and attempted to put the baby down. Who, of course didn’t nap. By the time he came back, we were ready for family photos.

But everyone seemed distracted and antsy today.

Until tickle-time of course.

And I am posting this one despite my huge nose and how much it’s making me feel terrible. I love the joy in the photo and that matters more.

Then it was time for the little boy to eat and try one more attempt to nap. I read for a bit, read to David, organized photos to print, and then worked a little on my art journal. The plans for tonight include printing photos (to scrap) and doing a little work and checking in my class and then maybe scrapping a bit before bedtime. Let’s see. I am feeling better emotionally. More rested and calmer. And yet I know the next three days will be a bit stressful. That’s ok though. They will come and they will go and life is wonderful.

I must also admit that my plans to sketch daily have completely gone out the window. I have had several people email me with their plans to make daily layouts and to exercise daily. I hope you ladies are doing better than I am!!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another quiet day of resting.
2. I am grateful for family photos. I love love love taking these photos and seeing them.
3. I am grateful for all the backup work I did today. Backing up is really important. Not fun but really important.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy got me a game {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got some candy
3. I am grateful that we played the dino math game for family night

5 comments to Daily Diary – March 20 2011

  • AmyHip

    Thank you for all your honesty and love! It’s contagious. You don’t know how many photos of myself I’ve actually deleted the original digital file because there was something about myself I detested. Like my fat body. You are beautiful!! And you know what, so am I! I just need to convince myself of it. 🙂

  • Yona

    dino math oyununu begendiniz mi?
    biz cok zevkle oynamistik .
    ilk onceleri zor problemleri kenara ayirmistik …
    sizi cooook seviyorum

  • dawn

    Hello Karen, you sound so much happier today. I’m so sorry for your back pain, it’s not easy going on with daily life when our bodies aren’t up for it. Even just a simple pull muscle can make the whole body feel like it’s been hit by a truck, I’ve been there a few times. I agree with Amy, you are beautiful and I love that you include these family pictures every week. The tickle ones are always so fun to see and capture the true happiness of all of you. Hope you have a wonderful and easy Monday. Thanks so much for sharing on your posts and inspiring us.

  • PatP

    Hi Karen,

    Please give yourself a break if you are in a funk, and don’t yell at yourself.
    Ask yourself, Would you yell at David for being grumpy if he didn’t feel good? You are an important member of your family too, so be as kind to yourself as you would to your guys, ok? Have a wonderful week! I really hope you feel better!

  • jill

    your nose? i just see love on your face – beautiful!

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