Daily Diary – April 5 2011

I’ve been doing my exercise first thing in the morning lately. Which means I feel a big sense of accomplishment early in the day. However, it also means I am tired and worn out really early in the day, which is not so great. David was home sick today, too. He was still coughing a bit and I just wanted to play it safe.

The little boy’s been struggling lately, too. Not napping until he’s supremely tired.

But he was delighted to have his big brother at home.

And gave him a lot of kisses and hugs.

David played im his room quietly for a very long time this morning and then I told him he could play on the computer.

Nathaniel played with his legos and watched us read.

And watched his brother play.

David was really engrossed.

And so was Nathaniel. Both my kids are such great players, thankfully.

Kids are down now and I am resting for a while. I might go out to see a few friends tonight but I am not sure. I feel quite tired so we’ll see. This is a typical “i don’t have enough to do” week for me. When I am not overwhelmed with todo list items, i end up accomplishing nothing. It’s ok. Productivity will come back.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was a quiet day. I needed it.
2. I am grateful that I got an email from a great long-lost friend whom I love so much!
3. I am grateful that I lost almost 5.5 lbs this week! I could not believe it so I tried twice. Whoa!

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mom got me a magic set {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play on the computer
3. I am grateful I did my workbook

2 comments to Daily Diary – April 5 2011

  • sheri

    Hi Karen,
    I marvel at what you are able to get done with the two boys at home. I believe you work from home, right? Are you able to focus on work when they are with you?

    Love all your updates and posts.


  • ErinK.

    My 3 year old has taken to not napping lately too! Ughhh!

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