Daily Diary – April 10 2011

So, this morning, I decided enough was enough. I got up much calmer (at the crack of dawn thanks to the little boy who wasn’t able to sleep. I spent the whole day peaceful and calm. I did a lot of browsing on pinterest and elsewhere. I got inspired to sketch again. I read my book. I exercised. I did nothing but I enjoyed it very much. I also exercised and here’s me setting up the camera for family shots. Nathaniel’s smiling at the camera.

I took a few shots with the kids before Jake came downstairs.

We were giggling.

And hugging.

I truly love my family and feel blessed.

I love the faces Nathaniel makes. He always uses a plethora of expressions to communicate.

And here’s an almost-perfect shot. If only David was looking at the camera, too.

tickle time. Look at how excited David is. He starts screaming before we even tickle him.

After the photos, David and I read and Nathaniel settled in the couch with one of his favorite toys.

To be fair, anything that makes noise is his favorite. Much to mommy’s dismay.

While I was at it, I snapped a photo of the big boy, too.

And then we all relaxed some more. I read. I surfed. We had family night. I wasn’t whiny at all. I am going to keep doing that all night. I am going to read more. I might try to sketch or even journal. I will make a todo list right before I go to bed but until then I will just enjoy this night. I hope you do the same.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for family photos. I love love love love looking at them.
2. I am grateful for flowers. They bring so much joy and beauty into my life.
3. I am grateful for true inspiration. I saw some sketches today that truly blew my mind.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with my legos {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I spent time with daddy playing a new game.
3. I am grateful we played Monopoly Jr.

2 comments to Daily Diary – April 10 2011

  • Karen you look so beautiful on that dress(exercise is paying off. u look thin and healthy). And i so love the picture you have with Nathaniel. Its a picture of contentment and happiness. A mother’s joy. Its like the Nysnc song that goes like this: “Your love is like a river peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret that i never could keep. When i look into your eyes, i know that its true. God must have spent a little more time on you.” yay. Thank you karen keep posting!

  • Pat P

    Hi Karen,
    First, thanks so much for mentioning pinterest. I googled it and ended up wandering around there a lot too yesterday, I love it! I was supposed to be doing my income taxes, but I didn’t feel like it, so I just goofed off. (Heck, I still have DAYS to get those done! 🙂 )

    I was in quite the funk this weekend too–My son neglected to tell my daughter-in-law something semi important going on in my granddaughter’s life, and I assumed that he had told her, so when I asked her how Carmen was doing with the situation, I was the bad guy… My son “punished” me by cancelling my plans to spend Saturday afternoon with Carmen. It made me angry and it made me really sad. I hope they become more rational when their divorce is final, they are so mad at each other right now, and Carmen and I bear the brunt of it, since we are the two people who really love them both…Parenting never gets easier, I swear! But I’m better now. Time with Carmen always goes in waves, sometimes I have her a lot, sometimes hardly at all, but I know that it’ll swing back the other way again. It’s hard to ride those wave sometimes though, because I love her so very much. One way or another, I’ll get to see her this week.

    Anyways, that’s how my weekend was. I struggled, but my husband was extra attentive, and we did have a nice time with just the two of us. And now it’s a new week, so may we both have a really good one!

    Take care!


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