A Book a Week – Before I Fall

It is so funny to me that I picked up Before I Fall because I was looking for something light and easy to read. I knew it was about a girl who died but I also knew it was good.

What I didn’t know was that this young adult book would completely change my life. The effects it had on me are profound and have nothing to do with the goal of the author (or so I assume) and I had so many revelations as I read it that I couldn’t believe it. There were parts where I felt like the character was speaking right to me.

I cannot tell you if it will have the same effect on you. Unless you have the same exact issues i have and struggled in the same way and are in the same mood as I was when I read it, it might not speak to you in the same way it did to me. But I am so so so glad I read it.

And, for me, it was transformational.

4 comments to A Book a Week – Before I Fall

  • jesa

    Karen I might have already asked this question before so please accept my apologies in advance. How long does it take you to read a book & is it in audio format or do you have an actual book?

    • karenika

      I generally read it on my ipad while i exercise. the duration depends on the book. young adult novels – which i seem to be stuck on lately- are pretty short and fast-paced so I can get through them quickly. I exercise for about 45 mins a day so I read for at least that many (sometimes I watch videos when I exercise but it’s rare.) and sometimes, I read at night too. generally for 20-30 mins.

  • Wow. only a few books i mean i only had 2 books that did it for me.(The Bible and to Kill a Mocking Bird). But maybe because i have only read a few. hehehe. I wish i can get a copy of that book.

    p.s. yea in relation with the first commenter, i was wondering about that too. hehhe

    • karenika

      this book is quite different and it has a lot of young adults doing alcohol and drugs and i think even some sex. if you find that objectionable you might not like it. as i mentioned, for me it was a lot about my own issues which have nothing to do with any of these subjects. (my issues were mostly popularity – or lackthereof related.) 🙂 btw, to kill a mockingbird is my all-time favorite book 🙂

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