Daily Diary – May 9 2011

Today was one of those days that flew by pretty quickly. I did my morning routine and worked and worked and then it was time to get David. When we came back home, Nathaniel wanted to sit on the chair and color. I asked him to smile and this is what he gave me.

Then I snapped some photos as David told me about his day.

He has such an infectious smile.

Nathaniel colored all the while.

And ate the caps. And colored on his fingers. And high chair. And everywhere else, too.

David and I read our book. This was a very long one but it’s almost over. I have an incredible headache now and I am not sure if I am just exhausted or it’s my jaw. I have several types of chronic pain between my herniated back and my jaw, it’s hard on days when I am more tired than usual or have higher stress. And it’s been both lately. So I think this is a signal that I need to rest and take some time off. Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off work!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David talked to me today. He was feeling sad and shared some of his innermost feelings with me. It broke my heart and I tried to make sure he felt my love but I am deeply grateful he felt like he could tell me.
2. I am grateful for people who exude happiness. People who make me feel happy to be around them. I am glad there are people like that in the world.
3. I am grateful for journaling. It’s been helping me a lot lately and I am now doing it daily. I am glad I took up the practice and the benefits are almost immediate to me.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we took a walk with mommy. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I made a fake head for open house (they are going to have faces and shirts to make it look like the kids are sitting at their chairs from what David tells me.)
3. I am grateful that the open house is coming in two days.

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