Us Right Now – May 14

Most of Jake’s week was planning for his trip to NYC. Getting business cards ready, setting up meetings, making sure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. He also had to make sure the loops here were closed so he could leave without stress. As it always happens, things worked out and he left safely. He seems to be doing really well there and having a lot of fun with old friends and some good meetings for work. We miss you, sweetie.

I had a quieter week. The beginning of the week was a bit rough but then I tried to relax as much as possible. I’ve been working a lot on being more positive and ridding my life of negativity and stress as much as I can. To that end, I have decided to stop interacting with certain friends and hang out more with others. I’ve been reaching out to people more and trying to see people near and dear to my heart. I also went to the doctor this week so I could setup a nutritionist appointment and see if I can finally get a meal plan going. The appointment is setup for next week. Let’s see if it will work.

David had a great week. Most of the beginning of this week was preparing for Open House. They made minibooks and craft projects and art projects. When we went to the school on Thursday, he was very excited about it. He and I are still reading regularly and working on workbooks and gratitude journals. This week he got a new Wii game so he’s been playing that most of today.

Nathaniel is doing well. He’s becoming more strong willed but also so much fun. He hugs and kisses all of us regularly now. He’s also more playful. He spent a lot of time playing with playdoh outside with David this week and even though he gets bored with each crayon too quickly, he’s also fallen in love with coloring.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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