Daily Diary – May 16 2011

I woke up this morning and decided I was going to take the day off work. This is a stressful week for me cause I have several appointments and events. Even though most of them are fun and by choice, I’ve learned that socializing of any kind tends to suck my energy and I need to recover. So I am resting and storing some energy. Which meant I rested, surfed pinterest, and sat with the little boy.

who loves drawing.

and I love these pictures because they tell stories.

of our ordinary life. Of where he is right now. These are the kids of pictures I like to scrap. The kind of stories I like to tell.

Like the funny smiles he likes to give to the camera.

And the way he collects the cars.

Dumps them into a container that isn’t really for cars.

And then congratulates himself. (I wish we all congratulated ourselves a bit more.)

And then gives me a mischievous look and signs “done.”

How he picks his own clothes and tells me what he wants to wear and what he does not.

And how David’s shirts last for about a month before they are way too short because he is growing like a weed.

How Nathaniel runs screaming “uuuuggggg” and hugs his brother. Who loves it and they both giggle and laugh. And how it makes my heart melt and skip so many beats.

How lucky and grateful and thankful I am. How scared I feel that I might mess it up. How worried I am and how I deeply hope they can tell how much I adore them. With every little piece of my heart and soul.

Life is in these ordinary moments. So is scrapping. For me. I am trying to pay more attention and I am grateful to the camera for allowing me to freeze the moments. Giving me a way to stop and notice. And for the blog and for scrapping to help me write them down. So I will never ever forget. Because I don’t want to take any of it for granted.


Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took the day off. Yey me!
2. I am grateful that Jake’s coming tonight. And that I got to snuggle up with both my kids tonight.
3. I am grateful that I’ve been taking my afternoon walks with David and Nathaniel and that my average number of daily steps is 9,628.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i watched the rest of Matilda. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had some candy
3. I am grateful that I got to play on the phone for 15 minutes.

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