Defining Moments – AMM November Kit

My minibook for Design Team work on the AMM November Kit.

So I wanted to make this book about defining moments in my life. Things
that made me who i am today. I coupled the events so if A hadn’t
happened B wouldn’t have. I put A and B on two sides of a cardboard that
I covered and put that journaling on the same page, I drilled holes on
the side of the minibook to make sure the journaling would flip back and
forth. Here are the topics:

1. My parents’ divorce and my parents’ remarriage (to each other)
2. Getting into college (CMU is my school’s name – Carnegie Mellon) and
moving to the United States
3. Meeting Jake and getting married
4. Making VP on my Wall Street job and quitting to pursue a non-profit
work (TFA is Teach For America which
is the program I did when I
quit my job – taught 5th grade)
5. Quitting TFA and having David
6. Getting my citizenship and starting my own company

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