Us Right Now – May 21

Jake spent the end of last week and the beginning of this week in New York. From what I understand, it was a very productive few days. He came back tired but excited and energized. He then spent the rest of the week getting over jetlag and catching up. H also helped me tremendously both Tuesday and Thursday. This was one of my harder weeks and without him I would not have made it through as sanely as I did. I am so grateful.

I was stressing about this week before it began. I had too many appointments and commitments. A bunch of chaos going on at work and no desire to do anything but lie on the couch. I’ve learned that even the fun occasions leave me feeling wiped and I need alone and quiet time to recover. So knowing I have a lot of commitments, meetings, events during a week makes me feel a bit overwhelmed. But this one went well and I feel good about all that got accomplished and also happy to know the next week is a quiet one.

David had school all week. Monday, he had sharing day and took his gratitude journal to school and everyone thought it was really cool (he told me). We also went to a pizza party at his new school (that he will attend next year) and he seemed really happy to be there. He ran around and played on the playground like he already belonged there. Which made me feel better about changing schools after the first year. He’s been doing great though and reading and writing and playing and just being wonderful in general.

Nathaniel is becoming more and more self-aware as time goes by. His comprehension is also going up and he keeps repeating sounds and words I use. I can tell that he understands just about everything I tell him even if he doesn’t actually do as I say. He has such a wide, happy smile that it warms my heart to see it. He also laughs a lot and if someone else is laughing, he automatically joins in even if he doesn’t know why they are laughing.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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