Healthy For Life – Week 22

Well June started with a bang. The first day I ended up forgetting to set my nike+ so I exercised way longer and then the second day I felt way too tired and barely made it through. But I am still at it and now up to 3.12 miles as day which is 5K so I am quite amazed that I can do it. I’m on 245th consecutive day and have exercised more than 600miles. That’s mind blowing for someone like me. On thing that’s been helping a ton on the exercise is the classes I’m taking. I have a lot of art videos to watch so they keep my mind occupied as I work out. Though this hasn’t done wonders for the reading since that’s what I normally do when I am exercising. Alas, whatever works, right?

On the food front, I haven’t done a great job last week of following my meal plan. And didn’t make one for this week but I have been writing down everything I am eating and I am focusing on eating more protein and making sure to eat one dish each meal so I eat a salad (often with chicken) for lunch and another meal with protein for dinner. I am still drinking more coffee than I’d like but I’m telling myself that it’s about baby steps. Once I start eating more wholesome food with a good amount of protein, I can then move on to working on the coffee.

I decided that I won’t be buying a clothing item for May. I bought some sandals earlier this month and my mom sent me some clothes, I don’t think I need anything for now. Instead I used that allowance to buy some fun art supplies so I can enjoy them every single day.

and here’s this week’s card:

Healthy for Life is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

2 comments to Healthy For Life – Week 22

  • Karen! I think you should sign up to run a 5k race somewhere! You know you can run the distance and you might find it to be a little added kick to your exercise motivation. At any rate, I’m proud of you—you’re a great example of continuing to move forward.

    • karenika

      I must admit, i am a bit scared to do so. what if i can’t do it at all? I do a 5k daily but most of it is not running…. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words!!

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