Us Right Now – June 4

Jake was in LA briefly last weekend for his friend John’s wedding. It was during the long weekend and we all missed him but he had a great time and got to see some childhood friends which was great. He’s been working hard since he’s back. Meetings, trading, setting up accounts, filing forms. That’s pretty much what makes up his days. What’s most wonderful is seeing how much he loves it. It makes me very happy. He’s also been spending a lot of time with David, riding the bike. They went to a robot factory together this week and went to play soccer together last weekend. Great daddy-son time.

With the exception of a grumpy Tuesday, this was a great week for me. I did lots of work and lots of art. I spent a lot of time with the kids and I feel full and grateful. I also made a lot of layouts this week and bought a bunch of art supplies. I am taking Christy’s art journaling class right now and have two more starting on Monday: watercolor bliss and Soul Restoration 2. I am super-excited about both and feeling happy to be surrounded by so much art.

David’s school is almost over, just another ten days, so they’ve been doing a lot of end-of-the-year preparation. He has also been doing a lot of art tracing and coloring and word searches. He has signed up for several classes for the summer: swimming, soccer, gymnastics, and a special week-long lego class. He’s very excited for all of them and I am too because during the year he doesn’t do any activities so this is our special time.

Nathaniel is all about drawing this week. He has been begging to sit on the chair and draw. He much prefers markers over crayons but since he’s not so great about putting the tops back on, he’s stuck with crayons or pencils for now. I love watching him color. He now sits next to me at his little table and colors as I scrap.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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