Daily Diary – June 8 2011

I am finding myself a little rough around the edges for the last few days. I am tired and worn out and this morning as I picked up Nathaniel from his crib, I injured my back a bit so that didn’t help. Nathaniel’s still super cranky and has a runny nose. That’s not helping either. But such is life. Some days are great and other days you just get by. I have so many things I want to say and write about but I find myself too exhausted.

Here’s the little one watching some Calliou. He’s been getting to watch TV only cause he’s sick. I am a bit more lenient cause it’s been a rough week but things will turn around.

Here he is giving the camera a smile as he watches.

And, David writing his journal.

And giving me a smile while watching TV, too.

I am still doing a lot of art journaling and I am enjoying it tremendously. More than just about anything else right now. All I can think of is making pages in my journal. I know I will slow down soon but I am making the most of playing with paint for now. Tonight’s a quiet night and I think I will curl up with my Soul Restoration 2 homework and a good book. And maybe, just maybe, a little art.

I hope you are doing well. Sorry I’ve been mopey lately. I’ve been thinking about the blog a bunch, too and not sure if I should add more, different content. Is there something you’d like to see here?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quiet night. I need the rest.
2. I am grateful for public television. That it has good, high-quality shows for my kids to watch.
3. I am grateful for honesty and candidness and connection.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got some polished rocks at school because of Lia’s birthday. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I we finished our book.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is pajama day!

5 comments to Daily Diary – June 8 2011

  • OMG you do already so much with this blog, could you do a post sometime about what tools are you liking best now adays for art journaling and scrapbooking ?

  • dawn

    Sorry to hear your back is hurting, it does make the days harder. So glad your loving the art journal right now, is this the one for 3hearts class? You already show us so much on your blog, we are spoiled. I think it’s good just the way it is. I hope your back feels better today and you have a good day.

  • Zewa

    Hi Karen, actually, I am very happy with your blog and what you do on here…..Maybe you could add a bit more background as to why you choose certain online classes you are taking and what you hope to get out of them.

    Also and I probably should send you this in a private note, this months newsletter from you resonates so well with me. The analogy with the glass bowl getting more and more full really hits home for me. For the past weeks, I have been feeling really uncomfortable with the fact that at the end of the day after work, when my brain is tired and my body is exhausted I cannot fit in another online class, online class homework, art-making or creative activity of any sort. But, who says it has to happen this way. Who says I cannot get up from my bed and the first thing after brushing my teeth and combing my hair is doing art?
    reading daily on here, what your morning routine is, makes me believe I can do it to. And on the days I tried and succeeded, I felt so happy when I went to work, because I already got my creative fill, had my art on and it just felt so liberating. I cannot suggest to post these life-insights on here, because what would you write in your newsletters then, right?
    But I can suggest to fellow blog readers to sign up to your newsletter, so they can experience first-hand these new, beautiful and thought provoking ideas you include for us.

    Amen 🙂

    • karenika

      zewa, this was so so kind, thank you so so much!! i hope you do try waking up a little earlier to do art. even if just twenty minutes. as u said, it really makes a huge difference. i am so glad you like the newsletters, i always worry people will get annoyed!

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