Daily Diary – June 15 2011

I could tell you about today and about having four shots on my head at the doctor’s (jaw pain) or losing Nathaniel’s blankie and the resulting screaming, meltdown, tears and then finally finding it hours later. Or I could tell you about the six Advils I’ve taken in the last few hours. Or the poop explosion we had during dinner time.

But I will just tell you that I spent some time watching the little one play.

Making sounds and being happy.

Which always puts me in a good mood.

And then going to pickup David from his bus on his very last day of kindergarten. Looking at his reportcard and seeing how well he’s doing academically and socially.

and how he’s such a goofball and sweetheart and a kindhearted little boy who’s learning his way through life and social interactions.

all of those were part of my day. The headache seems to continue as if Advils are nothing but candy. Alas, it will dissipate eventually. I am going to take it easy tonight and do some art and a lot of resting. I might even take the day off tomorrow if this head-pounding continues.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I found Nathaniel’s blanket. So, so grateful.
2. I am grateful that I got a few more items off my todo list despite the rough day.
3. I am grateful that my husband’s home tonight. I love him so much.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got some lego sets. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that summer started!
3. I am grateful that I ate a lollipop.

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