Daily Diary – June 18 2011

A relatively quiet and slow day here. I started the day by exercising of course and then it was family photo time:

Nathaniel would not let go of his blanket no matter how much I tried.

But we still had a blast.

I tried to get a photo of David with the blue shirt but it ended up blurry.

then Nathaniel napped, Jake went to work, David played Wii and I did my sketching and journaling. When Nathaniel woke up we took a walk and David showed me all of his Pokemon cards. So when we got home we looked up some more information about each. Here he is reading on wikipedia:

then I started my art journal page and Jake got home so he went out with David and rode the bike a bit and then all three of them played soccer in the backyard.

the little one loves the ball:

so does the big one:

and then it was close to bedtime so we gave the kids dinner and a bath and gratitude journals etc and now we are going to do a little work for Jake. I didn’t do much outside my daily task list but that’s ok. I have some things to do this weekend but none of them are super, duper time sensitive. So, all in all, I’ll write this one down as a good day.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I ended up with a journal page I like, it took quite a few iterations to get there today.
2. I am grateful that I am almost done with my first Moleskine journal. The one I write my todos in and do my sketches in and write my journaling in. I already have the second one ready and it feels good to see it so full.
3. I am grateful that I have some fun TV to watch while I do art.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I had some candy. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii.
3. I am grateful that I learned all about Pokemon cards.

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