Us Right Now – June 25

Jake worked hard all week to get things in order before his trip to D.C. We spent a bunch of time together working on his paperwork and some of his technical setup. Preparing the website, etc. He’s also been working with the interns and getting them set up and working on finding new office space, etc. Busy but good which is exactly how I hope all of his weeks go.

It was a relatively full but uneventful week for me. I spent a lot of time carting David back and forth between Lego camp and his several classes and home. I also worked a whole bunch and did a bunch of art as always. I finally started on my Soul Restoration book as well and have been spending a lot of time painting it and embellishing it and making it my own. I love and adore the class.

David had his first full week of summer. He spent every morning at Lego camp and then also had swim class and soccer class last week. Thankfully, he loved all of them. When he wasn’t in class, he spent time with our neighbor Ece who just left for her summer trip abroad. He also did some Legos on his own and got some new puzzle books for the summer. And reading books, of course. He’s been having fun and we’re working together on things I want to do for my life which are paying attention to the good and living with joy.

Nathaniel is also had his first class last week. His music class started and I think he liked it ok. He spent the whole class playing with all the instruments and listening to the music. He also has been talking more putting two-three-word sentences together and speaking his mind more often. While he can be frustrating at times, it’s wonderful to see his progress in this area especially after our journey with David. He and I read a bedtime story every night now and we play games before he lies down for the night.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

1 comment to Us Right Now – June 25

  • dawn

    So glad all of you had a good first week off for summer vacation. How fun to have all those camps to play at even little Nathanial. It’s great to hear Jake is doing well with work also. Hope your Sunday is a good one.

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