Us Right Now – July 2

Jake came back from Washington D.C. and went right into a whirlwind of meetings. He was out every single night this week for meetings, classes and other obligations. He spent his days making presentations and working with his interns. He also took David to swim class and to soccer class. He helped me with some of my crazy time by taking the kids and playing with them and I am deeply grateful for that.

This week was a quiet one at work. I tried to make sure to keep everything as low key as possible in my life. I also realized that my daily todo list items are getting a bit overwhelming for me and I need to rearrange things or reset some of my expectations from myself. Especially over the summer since both kids will be at school in the fall and I really want to make the most of these summer days together. Mental note to self: redo daily schedule so you have more room to relax, cuddle, and play.

David had all of his classes this week but it was quieter than last week since Lego camp was over and his friend is now gone for the summer. So he spent most of his time playing with legos, the computer, his workbooks and Nathaniel. He discovered the camera on the iPhone this week too and took a ton of pictures at home and on our walks. He also made notes on the notebook app and found creative ways to entertain himself. He is being really kind and sweet and I am very proud of him.

Nathaniel is super-active lately and talks more and more. He’s now making two-word sentences like “truck fell” or “food done” or “mama eat.” And since we never really had these milestones with David, it feels so new to me and I really love experiencing them with him. He’s gotten really into Bob the Builder this week and has been watching YouTube movies with me and loving them.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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