Daily Diary – July 22 2011

And we’ve made it to the end of another week. Time is passing so so quickly, I am constantly flabbergasted at how quickly the days go by.

I didn’t snap as many photos as I’d like today. This morning the boys got to watch a movie and they were snuggled up on the couch together which was soooo cute..

Nathaniel is more and more obsessed with trucks. He says “truck truck” all day long.

and picks them up and takes them along with him everywhere.

and i did manage to get this stunning shot of my David. I love this boy so much.

David’s at soccer class with Daddy now and I am taking a quick break. Back to work for me. No plans for the weekend however which means a lot of resting and relaxing. Yey!!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the weekend.
2. I am grateful for good, fast-paced books that have been keeping me so happy lately.
3. I am grateful for the kindness and generosity of my family. I am so blessed and I really am focusing on remembering that more and more often.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched a lego movie * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer.
3. I am grateful that I had soccer class (and there was no one there but me!)

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