Us Right Now – August 6

Jake had a great week. Some important meetings and big potential possibilities. It’s amazing how resourceful and bold he can be. I am so awed by him and so proud of him. I pray every day that his business becomes exactly what he wishes it to be because I truly do not know anyone more deserving. This is truly his passion and he puts his all into it. He spent a day in Marin and one in Berkeley and a lot of time down here with the interns. He even worked at home one morning so I could go have breakfast at work. I love him so.

It was a relatively uneventful week for me. I did a lot of work and some art journaling and sketching. I’ve made some changes in my food intake and routine. I read a book from start to finish. I took Christy’s Color Inspiration class and watched all of her videos while I exercised. I did a bunch of journaling (though not as much as I would have liked to.) and I spent time practicing multiplication tables with David and reading to him. We read a lovely book called The World According to Humphrey. All in all, a peaceful and wonderful week.

David has been playing with legos. I think they give him more joy than anything. Even more than the Wii or the computer. When he’s on the computer, he looks at galleries of what others have built with legos and gets ideas for his own creations. He’s doing excellent at the multiplication tables. He has also changed his handwriting so it’s super-tidy and really a joy to look at. His swimming and soccer are both improving. Last week we checked out a few books from the library and he’s already finished several including Alvin Ho. I love that boy madly.

Nathaniel is completely obsessed with a library book called Dig. He asks me to read it to him every time he goes for a nap or down for the night. It’s his very favorite thing. I read and he points at the photos and tells me the name of things. It’s one of my very favorite moments of the day. I might have to end up buying the book.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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