Daily Diary – August 28 2011

I hope you’re not already sick of dahlia pictures because there are many many many more.

Today began with exercise and family photos. Me taking one of the boys.

Nathaniel thrilled to have the remote.

“Traumatized” when it’s taken away.

Completely distracted looking out the window and playing with the curtains.

Thoroughly bored and getting fidgety.

suddenly realizing David has the remote.

about to break down again which is what finally prompted us to get right into tickle time.

And finally laughter.

Which ended in tears cause We tickled David too much. But alas, another family shoot. And then it was quiet time, art time, still-won’t-take-a-nap time. So we finally gave up and went to the San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum where the kids had an absolute blast. As the day came to a close, I started feeling overwhelmed and tired so the ride home and dinner was not so great.

But now they are sleeping peacefully and I am trying to quiet my mind and soul and find peace, too. It was quite a wonderful sight seeing them explore, laugh, and just be so happy. I am so thankful.

It was a productive and wonderful weekend. We get one more before school starts and fall is officially here.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the museum. It’s such an excellent place for kids.
2. I am grateful I made a minibook which has been on my todo list and wrote my newsletter, too.
3. I am grateful some peaceful time before tomorrow’s stressful day begins.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went to the museum * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played legos with daddy.
3. I am grateful that I played wii. (he got to play a little bit today.)

2 comments to Daily Diary – August 28 2011

  • Kim

    I loved the narrative with your photo log here. You are looking so wonderful, if you are thinking about your weight (as we, as women will do), when I looked at your arms in these series of photos, you look so slender, so please, please, do not “lose” any more weight. Whatever you are doing is perfect and wonderful. This is the best time of your life, I know you are seizing your day and it is so inspiring to learn from you. Love you to bits!

    • karenika

      you’re so kind. thank you. I promise i am not obsessing anymore. just trying to eat right and move daily. I would still like to drop some weight but i am happy for it to take its time. thank you my friend, i love you so much too!!

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