Daily Diary – September 6 2011

Well today was David’s first day of first grade. Here he is outside our house.

My big boy. He usually has a uniform but this week is not.

He was great. Once he walked in he sat down right away.

and started to color his name tag.

Nathaniel desperately wanted to color, too. But, of course, that was there for another boy.

when we left, David was great but Nathaniel cried big, huge tears. Didn’t want to leave David behind and he asked about David all day. When we got in the car to get him (today was a short day for David, just until noon.) he kept saying David’s name. When he saw David, his whole face lit up.

It was a stressful day for me so the kids just played once they were both home. David entertained himself and Nathaniel.

Who was so so happy to have his brother back.

Tomorrow promises to be even more stressful. David has a full day, Nathaniel starts his first day (which I cannot even imagine after the way he felt about David today) and I have a big day at work. So stressful all around. But it will come and it will go. And it will be ok.

The good news is David had a great day and loves loves his new school.

I am super-wiped as I woke up at 5:45 to exercise this morning. And I’ve been on emotionally and physically and mentally all day. So the plans tonight are to do some art if I can and then just lie on the couch and watch TV until it’s bedtime. Oh and some journaling.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David loves his school. yey!
2. I am grateful that Jake was by my side the whole time. I really need him this week and he’s coming through for me again and again.
3. I am grateful that I finished so many todo lists that I don’t stress about anything else today.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was the first day of first grade! * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i got some candy at school (and a pencil).
3. I am grateful that my little brother missed me today.

5 comments to Daily Diary – September 6 2011

  • Kim

    Be kind to yourself. These are big, full days and very tiring days, especially for the boys. Change is hard on everyone but I know you are making it as easy as possible. Soon, soon, there will be a new flow in your lives and although it will seem frantic at times, it will find its own rhythm. And you will follow it. Patience, my friend and especially kindness toward yourself. love you to bits!

  • Cheryl

    All will fall into place. The boys have been nurtured and are ready to take off. Mom will survive. Next spring you’ll wonder why you fretted so much. It’s an emotional time. Be good to yourself.

  • Ahhh….first day of school already. Same here in my neighborhood. Big changes for everyone. involved whether or not you have a kid in school (for us, it means my son doesn’t have his prolonged, late-night playtime with the neighborhood kids anymore). The days will get better.

    And how sweet is it that David was grateful to be missed by Nathaniel?

  • Hang in there Karen, tomorrow may go better than you think!!!
    I agree, how great that the boys noticed the other wasn’t around, great brother-bond building time between the two when they’re back together 🙂

  • dawn

    awww how sweet the pictures are and the story of Nathanial. I will keep you all in my prayers today and send good day wishes. I’m glad David is liking his school and I’m sure Nathanial will like knowing he goes to school like his big brother. It’s so sweet that Nathanial missed David all day. That happened to my girls who are 16mths apart and when the oldest went to pre-k. Well my younger daughter didn’t realize we were leaving her sister there without us and threw a fit in the hallway and I had to carry her out kicking and screaming and try to put her in the carseat. Finally got her strapped in and at home she wouldn’t get out of car she wanted to go back to her sister. I dragged her inside where she sat by the door and cried for 2 hours ( I tried bribing with cookies, movie, toys) nothing worked. So when we got back to school she walked thru the school screaming her sister’s name. The teacher heard and let Renee out a few mts. early. Oh my was she happy to see her big sister. This lasted for 2 weeks I’m afraid and Summer didn’t like me much for that 2 weeks all she wanted was her big sister.
    Thanks for sharing your story and taking me back in time to my little girls. I miss those days so much. Just relax and take it one hour at a time and breath and do things that make you happy to keep you distracted. Get some good night sleep and the weekend will be here soon. hugs, dawn

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