Us Right Now & Weekly Update – October 29

It’s going to be surprising to read that Jake had more meetings this week. All over the place, both during the day and night. He also went out with our neighbors for dinner this past week. We even got to go on two date nights together since my parents have been here to babysit. We drove all the way to the city and had a wonderful Italian dinner together. It was so nice just to walk around and chat with him. I love my husband so much.

This week flew by for me. It was hectic and stressful and lovely all at once. I had my parents here all week so whenver I wasn’t working, I tried to spend my time with them. I also went to David’s school both on Monday and on Friday. I had to go to work on Friday because my computer didn’t upgrade properly so I had to take it in and get it fixed. Between family time, pushing a new build out, David’s school, date nights, and crazy computer issues, it felt like a whirlwind week.

David had a great week. He was the school reporter for Chapel on Monday morning and he did an excellent job reading clearly and enunciating well. He got to play with my parents all week and then had a Halloween parade at school on Friday where he was black Spiderman. And just yesterday, he got a new ribbon in his swimming class cause he moved to level 3 which means he doesn’t have to wear fins anymore so he’s super excited. I am so very proud of the person he is and how hard he tries and how kind he is.

Nathaniel is doing great, too. Talking more and more everyday and in fuller sentences now, too. He wants to be just like David so refuses to sit on the high chair so he just sits on a normal chair right next to his brother. They are so cute together (when they aren’t shrieking). He is still refusing to say six or seven but can go all the way up to twenty (skips sixteen and seventeen too of course.) He’s such a happy, mischievous boy.

Here are some of my favorite captured moments from this week:

David’s getting a little tired of the nonstop photo taking:

and Nathaniel is upping the drama:

the boys got a lego set and built them:

and the David played on the electronics set with my dad.

Nathaniel sat next to them and watched.

here’s the set.

and one more smile from the little boy.

he read to opapa:

while David built the other lego

which nathaniel immediately took over.

There’s also been a lot of choo choo playing.

and more reading.

and more trains.

some snuggle and chat and play time with my dad.

And then today’s shot of my three boys.

Nathaniel’s devastation when I take the remote away.

and the best we could do today.

And those are some of the moments from our week. Hope yours was wonderful.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

1 comment to Us Right Now & Weekly Update – October 29

  • dawn

    I hope this will be an easier week for you. The pictures with your dad and boys are so sweet it’s always nice to have family moments like this. So happy to hear school is going good for both boys too. How funny about Nathanial and his counting, too cute.

    Happy Monday!

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