Us Right Now & Weekly Update – November 26

As with all of us, it was a quiet week for Jake. He went to work only Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We had a meeting with an accountant on Monday so he ended up working from home and then he was nice enough to stay around for Friday, too. He did work quite a bit, but also spent a bunch of time with the rest of us. I think the balance was just right and made this a lovely week.

It was a quiet week for me, too. Last Sunday I made quite a few layouts and go ahead of my todo list. I then spent the rest of the week relaxing and trying to take it easy. Around this time of year, I make a considerable effort to slow down and think and reflect. I am now in the middle of two classes: I love drawing and She Art 2. And in a week the class I am teaching starts, as well. So, in preparation, I am trying to go through my todo list and finish off all the little items that have been sitting there week after week.

David had no school all week. He came with me to Nathaniel’s school twice this week and it was so nice to have him around. He’s been wonderful about playing in his room, being quiet, and keeping me company all week. Nathaniel, too, loved having him around all week, of course. He’s such a joy and blessing that we are all happier when he’s around. I am grateful that he’s a big fan of reading and models it often to his little brother. (They do quite a bit of loud stuff, too, of course but Daddy has more tolerance for that than I do.)

Nathaniel’s school was open until Thanksgiving Day so he got to go to school twice this week and he was thrilled about it. On Wednesday, the whole class had Stone Soup to celebrate the holiday and all the parents and siblings were there and it was quite lovely. but Nathaniel was super shy so we ended up leaving early and coming home for naptime. And, on a different note, he now says six and seven, much to my delight!

Here are some of my favorite captured moments from this very full week:

David feeding Nathaniel some of his meatballs. I just love these kinds of photos with the two of them.

Nathaniel’s still drinking a lot of water but now that we have him tested, I worry a lot less.

The boys being mischievous.

more mischief, of course.

and some choo choo time while the big boy plays on the computer.

Nathaniel loves looking through my notebooks and I love watching him as he looks.

David making faces. Not a lot of opportunities to photograph him anymore. He has less patience for it than he used to.

The stone soup table at Nathaniel’s school.

David playing in the playground while he waits for Nathaniel to come out of class.

Nathaniel and Daddy sitting and eating (or not eating, really).

My three boys. Loves of my life.

we took the family shot on Thanksgiving this week.

and there was tickle time, of course!

I never get a good photo of Thanksgiving table. But better than nothing.

Right after dinner, we put Christmas songs on and put up our tree.

Both the kids helped with much joy. I know there will come a day they think it’s lame to decorate the tree so I am enjoying these moments as much as I can.

Nathaniel, looking out at the garbage trucks.

David playing Wii. He’s gotten quite good at the lego games.

Nathaniel loves the pockets in his pants.

So does David.

The silly boys, together.

David giving Nathaniel a hard time.

and Nathaniel attacking him.

thankfully, it often ends with hugs.

as for me, I spent quite a bit of my day painting.

And those are some of the moments from our week. It was another wonderful week and I am deeply grateful for it.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

3 comments to Us Right Now & Weekly Update – November 26

  • dawn

    I just love everything about this post. The words, the adorable boy pictures, stone soup, Jake being home, you relaxing, your adorable boys, the BLUE CHRISTMAS TREE, hugs, smiles, adorable boys, such a great week for all of you. LOVED READING THIS!! MY hands look like that all the time now, forget using a brush when my hands are much easier,lol

    Can’t wait till your class starts.

  • Lisa

    The boys are adorable as always, but I LOVE the pic of your hands! Great colors!

  • Ann

    Beautiful bokeh on those Christmas tree shots. And love the tripod in the background of your Thanksgiving shot – it looks like my house!

    Looking forward to your December reflections.

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