Thank you for teaching me to slow down

This is the one of the projects I did for Pink Paislee for November.

A few weeks ago, we went to a local park/zoo as a family. It was a sunny day and the kids ran around and had fun. By the time we were ready to leave the park, I felt grouchy and tired. I just wanted to get home.

But the kids were still having fun and they took their time walking out of the place. After a few steps, I realized they were falling behind and turned around to tell them to hurry up. What I saw was my six-year-old and my two-year-old holding hands and walking from one corner to another slowly and touching each of the painted footsteps on the ground. They were laughing with so much joy that it melted away my frustration and reminded me that magic of life is in these moments.

That’s the focus of this layout.

The full title reads: Thank you for teaching me to slow down. You make life worthwhile.

And the journaling says:
On this particular day, I was tired and ready to go back home and frustrated that you two were taking so long. But then I heard all your giggles and turned around to see you were holding hands and touching each dino footprint on the ground and laughing every single time. It’s moments like this that remind me I need to slow down and appreciate life more. Thank you, my boys.


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