Weekly Diary – February 18 2012

This week just flew by. I am not even sure why. Both David and Nathaniel had Valentine’s Day events. And they both had a good week at school. Nathaniel’s school was already closed on Friday and David’s school is closed all this coming week. So they will get to have a lot of play time this week and I hope that means a lot of photos for me. I worked most of this week. Felt cranky on and off but did some art and journaling. Went to book club and class. Jake had a great week. Got a lot done and we both ended the week in a good mood. Let’s hope for a fun and calm weekend!

Anyhow, here are some highlights from last week:

David working on his book of good memories.

The kids playing on the little, big truck.

Nathaniel was pointing to the letters and reading them to David.

Nathaniel and I made valentines together.

he got to stamp his name and loved it.

they were super-simple.

while we did that, Jake and David were at Alcatraz. As part of David’s birthday request.

Jake tells me he loved the boat.

this photo is actually a few weeks old but Jake just gave it to me and I love it. So cute.

And I adore this one of Nathaniel.

he’s so cute.

especially when he tries to smile.

I snapped a few of David, too.

and then we chatted with cousin Maya who turned three and during the chat David hugged Nathaniel.

I just love these photos.

David’s eyes and skin are so beautiful to me.

Jake surprised me with Valentine’s Day flowers and Nathaniel wanted to touch them.

and smell them (though tulips don’t smell but they are by far my favorite).

then he made funny faces.

while David was at school, Nathaniel colored all of the valentines he got.

I love how he’s sitting on his knees.

he’s into creative forms of sitting lately.

I’ve been having a hard time getting photos of David during the week so I take whatever I can get.

Nathaniel refused to look at the camera during these photos. I love this one cause we’re all laughing even though it’s not tickle time.

and more laughing.

I’m telling nathaniel to look at the camera here and he’s yelling “nooo….”.

and tickle time and David trying hard not to laugh.

after our photos, the kids sat together and colored so I snapped a few more photos.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

2 comments to Weekly Diary – February 18 2012

  • dawn

    I love when you share all these photos from your week, just reading your thoughts on them makes me smile even more. Love the ones when they are in the truck together and the hugs and all three of your boys together. Your sons are both so cute, love how different they are from one another.

    Glad it was a good week for all of you and hope the same for this week.

  • Are your children on Spring break?

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