Journey into Collage – Week 29

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This is my first assignment for Your Living Canvas class. The first week was about your story and as I wrote mine, one of the things that came up for me was that I have a lot of instances in my life where I made big leaps of faith or did things others would consider brave. This was a big deal to me, especially now cause I am not feeling so brave at the moment. So I decided to make this page as a reminder to myself. I wrote some of the things on top of the big butterflies and then more around the smaller ones.

The quote says: I am brave.

Here is one more shot of it:

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

6 comments to Journey into Collage – Week 29

  • Seeing your projects and collages and layouts always make me happy. A little envious that you’re so creative and productive and talented, but still very, very happy. Make me smile, too.

  • The pages are lovely – those are probably my favorite colors to use together (maybe with a touch of turquoise at times). Lovely work.

  • dawn

    LOVE THIS KAREN!! These colors make me happy also, love the butterflies and stamping on the pages!! Great start to this class for you, enjoy it!!

  • Karen, this is great love the colours, the composition of the butterflies and the stamping you have done and what you have written.

  • Tracy Wallace

    Karen, this is beautiful! Are you currently offering a class called, Your Living Canvas? I would sooooo love to take a class from you, love your art journalling pages too, I just can’t figure out your process and what comes first, materials used. I am a newbie so please let me know if you have any current classes! Thanks so much for the continued inspiration.

  • i found your thru Tumblr’s Art Journaling. i love your work– the textures and colors are wonderful.

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