Gratitude Journal – Week 14

Here’s this week’s gratitudes and celebrations:


it says: you are not alone.

and here’s what the page looks like with all the gratitudes and celebrations:

Just another excuse to create art and remember the present that is my life.

Gratitude Journal is a weekly project for 2013. You can see a detailed post on my goal other details here.

3 comments to Gratitude Journal – Week 14

  • I love that page – the colors are just wonderful. The ladies and the words are perfect.

  • Sophie

    I absolutely love your gratitude journal. I started a digital one last year but gave it up during the year partly due to life kicking me in the teeth and partly because it became quite time consuming. Your format sounds great and I am inspired to try and give it another go in a different paper format. Thank you for the inspiration! You are an endless source of ideas and creative mojo!

  • dawn

    Karen, this is so awesome and gorgeous!! You have a way with color and emotions on your pages. LOVE LOVE this each week. It all looks great together and makes me SMILE!!

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