Weekly Layouts – I Forgive You I Thank You

I made this layout for the second week of Yesterday, Today class I am taking at BPS. Here are all the words:

Yona, I want you to know that I forgive you for throwing me into a tub full of water when we were sitting in the bathroom together. I forgive you for taking my five-dollar bills and giving me two one-dollar ones and telling me how I was better off since I had two bills and not one. (Maybe that’s why I ended up being so good at math.) For calling me complaint box my whole life.

For making me write all of your French homework. (It made me an even better student.) Stapling my hand just to see if it would work. Waking me up many nights so you could squeeze in bed with me after peeing in yours and making me get up first so you could make the bed over again. (I still don’t tuck the sheets in.) Pushing me under the radiator. And under the swings, which caused me to split my head open. Kicking me so many times when we slept in the same bed in Israel that I split my head open. Again.

Hitting me. A lot. So hard that I could see each of your fingerprints on my skin. I forgive you for not wanting to hang out with me. For making fun of me. For making fun of my glasses. (It’s karma that you ended up needing them too.) For making fun of my ears. (I still wear my hair down.) For always making me take the shots at the doctor’s first. Just to see if I would cry. For making fun of me. (This one deserves two entries.) For making me feel even more lonely because you were so popular. (Ok, that one wasn’t really your fault.)

Yona, I know that you did so many things to make me cry when I was little and I know that you wished you had a brother and not a sister. I know you were annoyed by so much of who I was and I know that as we grew up and moved away from each other, you came to regret some of the not-so-nice things you did to me. But I want you to know that you do not have to feel bad anymore. You are fully and completely forgiven. I don’t want you to spend one more minute feeling bad for anything you’ve done or regretting anything you haven’t.

I love you with all my heart, my wonderful sister, and I forgive you.

the other side

Yona, I want you to know that I thank you for driving me for hours to the other side of town just so I could buy my favorite English books. I thank you for sending me so many letters and cards from Canada that I felt closer to you than we ever had. For always having faith in me and my abilities. I thank you for teaching me how to read. (It is, by far, the greatest gift anyone gave me.)

Thank you for talking to me until the wee hours of the morning, over and over again until I realized that it really wasn’t just me. Thank you for writing that amazing book about us and for apologizing. (It’s not the apology that I needed, just the acknowledgment.) Agreeing to come with me so I could still go skiing even though mom and dad didn’t. For buying me a present with your first paycheck ever.

For coming to visit me just so we could spend ten days together, just you and me. Leaving your family behind so we could really bond. (Though they are always welcome here.) For cooking those amazing dishes and making the salads and getting my son to eat edamame. For sending me the recipes to both gateaoux salami and the salty biscuits I love so much. For convincing me that we and our kids can be very close to each other even if we’re an ocean apart. (And I know you mean it.) For telling me how proud you are of me and how brave you think I am. Always telling me the truth. Supporting all of my ideas, even if they are crazy. Reading my blog. Loving my kids. (And they love you so much, too, how could they not?)

Yona, I know that with you in my life, I will never ever be alone. I know that you are forever there for me and will always be on my corner. I am so thankful to have someone like you in my life and so honored that you’re my sister. I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me, everything you are and I am so thankful for all the moments we get to spend together. And for having you in my life. I am so lucky to have you.

I love you with all my heart, my wonderful sister, and I thank you.

5 comments to Weekly Layouts – I Forgive You I Thank You

  • This LO was awesome.

    I love your honest, heartfelt journaling and wish there were many more scrappers like you.

    Beautiful, thanks once again for the inspiration.

  • Vel

    My goodness, this just brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing this heartfelt and emotional journaling with us.

  • dawn

    Beautiful journaling so emotional and real.

  • yona

    karenika iyiki turkce yaziyorum …

    her sabah blogunu okumadan cayimi icemiyorum . bu sabah cay bogazimdan gecmedi… bogazim dugum dugum oldu aglamam geldi. ve sana geri yazmadan once gunu yasayip ve dusunup yazmak istedim.

    cocukken seni ne kadar kotu kullanmisim hala kendimi affedemiyorum. cocukca yaptiklarimin hayatini bu kadar etkilemis olmasini hic degistiremeyecegim icin cok cok uzgunum. hayat cok gaddar ki geri donusu yok … ozunde aslinda seni ne kadar cok sevdigimi ve sen benim kardesim oldugun icin sukrettigimi bilemezsin . cocuklarimin her birbirlerine kotu soz kullandiklarinda ve kavgasinda seni ve beni ornek veriyorum : ben ne kadar kotu davrandim ve sonunda allah bizi uzaklara ayirdi ve simdi istesekte beraber olamiyoruz. ve onlara hemen sarilin ve opusun 2 kardesin kiymetini bilin diyorum.

    karenika her ne kadar hayatinin ilk 16 senesini silemezsemde inanki seni cok cok cok seviyorum ve bir gun insallah terazinin iyi kisminin daha agir basmasini diliyorum .


  • Crystal Ciancutti

    That’s lovely. Thanks for sharing.

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