Living Intentionally 2017 – 05

Weekly Intention: I’d say this is a crazy week but I’m learning that there is no such thing. Every week is different and unusual in its own way. So there’s no such thing as a crazy week. Every day is full, sweet and I am grateful to have it. So anyhow, this week, I get to go to David’s school three times. I get to spend Monday and Friday with David. I get to have two client calls. A trip to work and a trip to the hairdresser. A ton of work, of course. And, on Saturday, if all goes well, I am flying to Sydney once again for work. But everything is for a good cause. All of these are because my life is full and layered and rich and I am so grateful. My intention this week is to pay attention to this rich and layered life I have. To notice and appreciate and live the moments. All the moment. School, life, work, family, alone time, friends, all of it. I want to pay attention. I want to be here, now, with all of the moments. Not wishing I were somewhere else, not worrying, stressing, hoping for something else. Being here, now. I also want to pay a bit of extra attention to my boys since I will be gone next week.

This month’s intention is: January is almost over so I’ll go with February’s intention: Shine from the Outside In: It might seem counter-intuitive but sometimes it helps to start with the outside. Take care of your body, your skin, your teeth. Dress in a way that makes you feel good. Show up and look the part. So I will spend some time this week thinking about what this means for me.

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: I don’t think I will have time this week but I would like to think about clothes this week. See what bold moves I can make there.
  • Two: Open:  I haven’t been that great at connecting with friends. I have two intentions this week. One is to email several friends to ask to join in on some of the work they do and two is to see if I can have lunch with at least one friend this week but being that I am going to Sydney, I would like to focus on my family this week.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: I’ve journaled a bit this week but not enough, I also dropped the traditional 7min exercise I was doing because of skiing, I’d like to get back on the wagon for both of those.

I am looking forward to: my flight to sydney. it’s long but also relaxing. also to david’s conference tomorrow. and to digging into some data I’ve been collecting at work.

This week’s challenges: a long friday this week and no weekend since i will be on the airplane. not ideal but still wonderful.

Top Goals:

  • Work: second round of a routine i just started. a presentation i have to give. decoding all the data i’ve been collecting.
  • Personal:  a bit more art. some personal time. journaling.
  • Family: do better with the food. spend time with my boys. celebrate david.

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: slowing down this week. i want to spend time being a bit more mindful. can i do this?

This week, I will say yes to: a new structure for journaling. i don’t have any of my mornings at home this week so I will have to temporarily create a different structure for exercise and journaling.

This week, I will say no to: rushing, impatience, judgment (self and others.) fear.

I am worried that: I will not get enough done. i want to do two big projects at work before I am back from Sydney. I am not sure i can. I am worried that I will backslide on the eating and not exercise. I am worried about my trip to Sydney of course. I am worried it will not be enough or it will be too much. Or that the kids or Jake will not be ok. Or that it will not have been worth it. Some of these will take two weeks to find out. I am also worried I won’t get enough downtime.

This week, I want to remember: that life is passing me by as I try to figure out all these things. that while trying to improve is essential to my soul and who i am, it is also ok to rest and enjoy. i need to do both.

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