Living Intentionally 2017 – 43


Weekly Intention: So, this week is a quieter week at work which is lovely because my parents will be here all week! So my intention is to focus on my time with my parents and not take it away from work or me or kids or Jake. I’d like to spend more time with Jake this week too and take advantage of the fact that my parents are here. Patience and slow but continuous progress is the goal.

Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.

  • Work: clear out email. 
  • Work: survey for summit
  • Work: do posters
  • Work: write more down for T and have conversations with C
  • Work: get to brainstorming for C 
  • Work: finish reading and prepping Y
  • Personal: exercise every day at work. 
  • Personal: eat clean clean clean. 
  • Personal: Journal three times.
  • Personal: Start December Daily
  • Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. 
  • Family: do math+spelling with N
  • Family: make a plan with D for sure this time!
  • Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
  • Family: take photos!
  • Family: Spend time with mom and dad!

This month’s intention is:  Shine On: You’re doing great. You made it through September. The year is starting its countdown and you can do this. Remember to keep going. Shine on. Don’t stop now. Just one day at a time. Last week of October, gotta make this one count!

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: let’s see if i can take solid advantage of this quieter week.
  • Two: Open: Open to the possibility that this can be a productive week and not a draining one.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: i’d like to keep track of what i eat and go back to taking photos of things this week.

I am looking forward to: time with my parents

This week’s challenges: Monday is the toughest day this week but it will still in general be hard to balance life this week.

Top Goals:

  • Work: one more iteration of plans for 2018 (and catch up on email.)
  • Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
  • Family: time with parents

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what and who matters most this week.

This week, I will say yes to: making choices that reflect my values.

This week, I will say no to: feeling bad all the time which i often do when i have visitors because i don’t know how to balance it all.

I am worried that:  i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down my parents. i’ll let down my husband or my kids or myself or something else. i will feel wiped out all week. i will fall really behind.

This week, I want to remember:  that one week is not that long and what matters most is to be with the people I love.

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